FDLE Helps Spread Halloween Fear Through False Statements

Robert Moon, who “helps manage the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s sex offender registry” according to this Tallahassee, FL news story, is quoted as saying, “Everybody on the website has committed a felony or they’ve committed a crime in another jurisdiction that would equate to a felony here in Florida.”

That’s a lie. There are plenty on the Florida registry who have committed misdemeanors or who have cases in which adjudication was withheld. To say that everybody on the website has committed a felony is absolutely false.

He further states, “A predator has been convicted, often it’s been of multiple crimes or a capital felony or life conviction of certain offenses to qualify to be a predator,” said Moon.

Where does he come up with these whoppers? Often of multiple crimes, “capital felony” or “life convictions”? Often? How often? In Florida, a capital felony is punishable by death or life in prison – doubt many are even out to open their doors.

Seriously – what benefit does the FDLE have in creating this hysteria when they know the instances of sexual victimization are not impacted in any way by Halloween? I guess job security and higher budget allocation to them might be one benefit.


18 thoughts on “FDLE Helps Spread Halloween Fear Through False Statements

  • October 31, 2017

    If you call FDLE in Tallahassee at 850-410-7000 you can listen to the prompts. Number 5 is to make or file a complaint about an official or employee. I think Robert Moon needs to know the facts before promoting lies.

    • October 31, 2017

      Good suggestion. Hope someone does so.

    • November 2, 2017

      I complained and asked so many questions directly to FDLE one year, I was banned from asking or commenting. That’s neo fascism! JEV

  • October 31, 2017

    Urgent check your designation link on FDLE website. I do not know if this is only for some charges but it appears that if you have a “Unspecified” Sex Batt it clicks and displays 794.011(4)(e) Commits Sexual Battery; Victim 12 Or Older; And Mentally Defective!!!!!!. FDLE has been informed and I can only hope it gets changed quickly to mitigate any damage. I found this out when I saw other websites who are pulling info from FDLE had been showing a incorrect charge as 794.011(4)(e) Commits Sexual Battery; Victim 12 Or Older; And Mentally Defective. I verified it also displays like this on FDLE.

    Halloween not the best time to have these issues.

  • October 31, 2017

    Perhaps FAC would consider reaching out to the journalist who wrote the article and asking if she would consider listening to another perspective? Her email is arichmond@wtxl.tv

    • October 31, 2017

      Unfortunately we are short volunteers in our Media Committee. We could really use some assistance on that team to be able to prepare responses. If anyone can step up, it’d be appreciated.

  • October 31, 2017

    Speaking of Halloween. My son reports he did not get a “visit” this year. Seminole county. I know last year it was the city that visited (I figured the county was outsourcing. Lol). But this year nothing. Anyone else?

    • October 31, 2017

      Recently re-registered in Duval, for the second year in a row, the officer made no mention of Helloween or had me sign any related list of conditions. No visit yet (fingers crossed).

    • October 31, 2017

      We live in Seminole County sheriff uncover came to the house 2 weeks ago to Bring my son the flyer her comment was “ I don’t know why I’m here giving out this flyer it’s the same stupid thing like last year “. Why didn’t compliance bring this flyer when he did the residency check the first week of October?? This is what I call a WASTE of TAX PAYERS $$$. Nonsense.

      • November 1, 2017

        It is a waste of time and money! You are correct! And once off paper most of those “stupid” things don not apply!

    • November 2, 2017

      No visit.. Orange County, City of Apopka. Agencies are wise now waste of time. JEV

  • November 1, 2017

    Even though my brother is not on probation anymore for already 4 years now, he can do as he pleases. two years ago he went out for Halloween with friends and family to a couple of parties with no problems at all ( just having a normal good time). This year he just stayed home and relaxed. Even though he is not on probation, he turned his lights off anyway and went to bed. The interesting thing is, that at least 80% of the neighborhood had their lights turned off as well, because they are either religious and don’t celebrate Halloween or they just don’t care for it and don’t want anyone knocking at their door. Not even a single house had been decorated at all. Besides maybe 1 or 2 very small groups trick or treating, the neighborhood was practically dead like a ghost town. Other adjacent neighborhoods as well – despite it being a vastly dense and populated metropolitan city. This whole sex offender Halloween precautions is all nothing but false hype.

    • November 1, 2017

      FYI Orange county – No one came to check on me (off probation)

      but the PO did come to check on my roommate (on probation.

      Don’t know if they communicated to get a two’fer or not….maybe.

      • November 2, 2017

        Nope, off probation, they can’t do anything to you – no matter what probation officers communicate to each other – as they have no more court sentenced jurisdiction over you. Your friend is another case since he still is on court sentenced probation.

  • November 1, 2017

    i am not saying this in a racist or xenophobic manner, but i have a genuine interest in knowing.. in light of recent events ( the latest being in NYC ) .. what is the per capita rate of Islamist extremist per current Islamic population? is it higher , lower or about the same as recidivism rates among the population of RSO’s. you see although the extremist are killing multiply innocent people, the PC police say we can not ” profile ” them based on the facts, yet it is acceptable to profile the entire RSO population on the recidivism of a few. just wondering ..

    • November 1, 2017

      There is a distinction that we need to be cognizant of. Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. are considered protected classes. Sex offenders, by virtue of a prior offense don’t get the same level of protection. Registrants have one strike.

    • November 2, 2017

      Major parallels here. The entire American Muslim Communities have been reduced to second class citizens. Travel restrictions, vigilantism, profiling all the above that presently the RSO deals with every day. JEV

  • November 2, 2017

    Perfect for FDLE. The correction would be most were arrested in a felony charge. I got FDLE years ago to change my charge to adjudication withheld per my sentencing. It used to sat Abuse of Child and my case is a possession charge. Make darn sure your info is correct.. FDLE treats us like crap, always has always will. JEV


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