WHAT?!? Probation officer only gets one year for sexually assaulting juveniles in his custody.

A story just came out in the LA Times that makes you wonder what kind of influential friends this guy has or what strings he was able to pull in order to get only ONE YEAR for sexual acts with multiple victims between the ages of 15 to 18.

And worse… no sex offender registry!!!

According to prosecutors, “Calderon was in a supervisory position and used his authority over the girls to force them to comply” he abused at least four victims and assaulted them regularly.

Only one year and no registration! Let’s hope someone in California doesn’t let this story go away!


7 thoughts on “WHAT?!? Probation officer only gets one year for sexually assaulting juveniles in his custody.

  • September 20, 2017 at 6:01 pm

    Unfortunately, not surprising.

  • September 20, 2017 at 6:03 pm

    Justice in America. Law enforcement never get treated like a mere citizen.

    If a civilian had done this they have end of with a lifetime in prison or at least a decade or 2 and certainly be a high level sexal preditor classficiation for life.

    This is why I have NO RESPECT for the law. It is unfair and only a FOOL would give any respect to a system that is against them.

    I am sick of government playing with my life. They have no right to do so. I do not recognize them as having any authority over me. You know it is just a matter of time before a registered citizen who has nothing left to lose goes “postal” at some point and I will not be surprised in the least or blame them either.

  • September 20, 2017 at 6:35 pm

    This is a 2-sided issue. First, those of us under probation and trying to get the laws lessened would not want to see an increase in punishment.

    Second, and most importantly, is the double standard being used because of position. It is my belief that – any official, especially one involved in a particular area, should be held to higher standards and RECEIVE ENHANCED SENTENCING – not reduced. They can make no valid claim that they were ignorant of the law – IT’S THEIR JOB TO KNOW IT. If a police officer speeds, he should not be given a slap – HE KNOWS BETTER. If an official does DUI, HE SHOULD BE HAMMERED! Regardless of the area, public officials should be held to higher standards – not treated as a “good ol’ boy”. The legislators want to add legal enhancements for the public – why not have the public push for legal enhancements for the OFFICIALS who work the law?

  • September 20, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    It’s not what you know it’s who as the saying goes

  • September 21, 2017 at 7:32 am

    I wonder what Janice’s take on this would be? You know it is always a basket of crap when we see this happening (double standard for LE) and then on the other side of the coin his sentence is more in line of what would be a humane punishment (no registry).

  • September 24, 2017 at 11:53 pm

    We know that some prosecutors, competent defense lawyers and judges in Florida “tuned” cases, particularly ones involving young first time offenders, by changing the charges to ones that did not require registration once they saw what the registry was turning into in the early 2000’s. This may have ceased when the Legislature restricted what judges could do but it was done in the past.
    However, this case is ridiculous because it is PRECISELY the type of serial offense that enhanced laws regarding persons in critical positions of authority were designed to tackle. So now some guy in Cali is on the registry for life for peeing in public in front of kids 40 years ago, but this guy, a predatory law enforcement officer who used his position and power to molest underaged probationers, is off scott free. Great.

  • September 24, 2017 at 11:56 pm

    Just so we are all singing off of the same sheet of music, this is precisely the type of behavior that mental health professionals who deal with sex offenses would refer to as “predatory” This is much worse than some teacher “hooking up” with a student as all they could do would be to threaten to give them a bad grade on their history quiz. Teach ain’t gonna throw your azz in juvie.


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