Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd
As residents of Florida are bracing down to prepare for Hurricane Irma, what is expected to be the strongest natural disaster to hit the Atlantic coast this century, Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd, takes the time to post the following message to his Twitter account:
What’s wrong with this guy?
Please feel free to exercise your First Amendment right to share your thoughts on this character below or directly on his twitter:
If you can demonize a group of people in the public s eye you can get tax money make superficial jobs and promote your polical career why not. Just look at what isis has done with that
The standard for something to be unconstitutional is it must “shock to conscience “. This clearly shocks the conscience.
More reasons that would convince a judge that this system is the Modern version of American Slavery.
Sheriff Appero ( I think is how you spell it) of Pinellas County was asked about the concern of sex offenders going to Shelters, he said he was not concerned about it, that his concern is that EVERYONE is safe. ole “shady Grady” needs to take lessons from him, in humanity.
It’s about time someone stood up for protecting S.O’s
I agree…seems to me that if a human being is discriminated against because of a label that they did not chose and can not change then they should be considered a protected class…just as being black, jewish, or gay.
If a human being can not find work because of their social status (and at this point this is a social status issue)…if they can not find housing because of their social status…if they are not allowed into a public area such as a city park, museum, or a Disney World (the gold standard) they they are being discriminated against on the basis of their social status which they did not chose and would certainly change if they could – they law prevents them from making that change – EVER!
Lets sue the state of Florida for discrimination. I think it is time to pound this message home and not change the attack plan. This is not only punishment but is also clear discrimination of a very specific group of citizens.
In history we had a villain with a similar plan. His name was Adolph Hitler.
Can we have a class action lawsuit of sort for the registry? I’m for it.