Sex Offenders Sent To Homeless Encampment Told To Find Housing, But Where?

Roughly 260 sex offenders have registered as their residence the intersection of Northwest 36th Court and 71st Street, on the edge of Hialeah and Miami.  The closest house is four blocks away and the only buildings here are squat warehouses.

They start to roll in around 9:30 p.m., just in time for curfew. By the end of the night, around 50 people fill two dozen tents pitched on the ground on either side of the street.

Most people in the encampment wear evidence of their crimes on their ankles,  as devices that beep when they’re out of range. Others just know the rules they must abide by. They’re living in rough conditions–no running water or toilet facilities and flooding is a regular fact of life–in order to comply with laws restricting where sex offenders can sleep at night.

“Rats live better,” said Gregory Baker, aka Claudia, who has lived at the encampment for a year and two months. He was convicted in 2009 for possessing and sending child pornography and attempting to send inappropriate material to a minor. He was told to come to this homeless encampment by his parole officer, who wrote down the address on a piece of paper.

“I was like,  You have to be kidding me,’ ” said Baker. “Apparently they weren’t, because every place that my dad, my sister put an address at, [my probation officer] said no.”

In 2005, Miami-Dade County prohibited offenders from living within 2,500 feet of schools, daycare centers and playground. It was a response to a similar ordinance passed in the city of Miami Beach, which effectively made it a no-go zone for anyone convicted of a sex crime.

That restriction is in place from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. Outside of those hours, sex offenders are allowed more free rein. So some people work, go over to their family’s homes and shop during the day and  sleep in the tent camp at night.

If you draw a 2,500-foot buffer around all of the institutions mentioned in the ordinance, not much of the county is left. Even less when you take out the airports and particularly unaffordable areas where home prices are in the six figures. What is left are bits of Homestead, West Kendall and a few small patches like this one.

In 2007, the Miami New Times broke the story that these restrictions had, in essence, created a sex offender village under the Julia Tuttle Bridge. Social workers sent or dropped off people when they got out of jail and the DMV was printing “Julia Tuttle Causeway” on their driver licenses. The camp was dismantled in 2010 and residents relocated to temporary housing that eventually left them in the street.

This encampment on 71st street, tucked between warehouses next to the railroad tracks, is like the reincarnation of the Julia Tuttle Bridge camp.

And on Monday night, this is what Ron Book, the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust and county officials went out to address.

Teams of Green Shirts, as the homeless outreach workers are called, escorted by Miami-Dade police went tent to tent, handing out a letter written by  Book, president of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, to the deputy mayor about wanting to find a new place for those in this area. They also handed out a blurry black and white map of all the areas in the county that are off limits.

The plan is to help the sex offenders living here to find housing that works with their living restrictions. The Homeless Trust has offered to subsidize part of the expenses through rental or housing assistance.

“The goal tonight is to inform all of the people that are living out here that this is not going to continue,” said Book. “At some point, sooner than later, we’re going to dismantle this place and close it down.”

Over the next week, they Homeless Trust will help process those living in the encampment for rental or housing assistance.

“We have made clear in the memo that they’re being handed [is] that it’s their job to go find a housing opportunity and bring it back to us,” explained Book. “They’ve got to take control of their lives and find housing opportunities.”

They are not passing out a list of available housing, confirmed Book, but he says they’re handing out information to help them go search. He says this is one of the differences in how the Homeless Trust is handling the encampment on 71st street from the one under the Julia Tuttle bridge. The Homeless Trust will not be prioritizing these sex offenders over other homeless people as they did last time.

“What they want to do is wallow in self-pity and blame everybody else for their problem and blame laws and blame this and blame that,” said Book. “They want to sit around and blame other people. They can choose to do that or they can take responsibility for what happened, for the crimes they committed, understanding society and go out and take control.”

The name Book might not be familiar to those living in this homeless encampment, but it’s the name attached to the ordinance restricting sex offenders from living within 2,500 feet of places where children go – it’s called the Lauren Book Child Safety Ordinance.

Ron Book himself–who by day is one of the most powerful and influential lobbyists in Florida–drafted and pushed through this county ordinance. His efforts followed the horrible sexual abuse that his daughter suffered through as a child.

The Books’ nanny of six years sexually molested Lauren starting when she was 11. Now, State Senator Lauren Book is married, mother to twins, and an advocate for those who have been sexually abused.

As chair of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, tasked with figuring out what to do with all these people in tents and tarp shacks, Ron Book was behind the 2005 law that made it more difficult for these sex offenders to find anywhere else to live.

But Book rejects the notion that he should be held personally responsible for their difficulties.

“They can blame me all they want.  I’ve never shied away from my work to make our community and our state and our country safer so that what happened to my daughter, doesn’t happen to them,” said Book.

Lauren Book, the namesake of the Miami-Dade County restrictions, was out with her father and the green shirts, talking with the sex offenders living out among the warehouses.

“This is not easy to do, for me, for my dad,” said Lauren Book. She has made a point over the years to visit with and try to understand the behavior of sex offenders in an attempt to prevent what happened to her from happening to other children.

“I don’t feel badly for these individuals. There are laws that were broken. You did some terrible bad things. That does not mean that anybody should be in a desperate situation,” said  Lauren Book.

When asked about how she feels to have her name attached to the legislation that is an undeniable part of the formula that has led to this homeless encampment, she said that while she is proud of her engagement with the issue, there is not an easy answer.

“The truth is this is not a black and white issue,” she said. “The minute you start to think you can broad-brush this issue you’re in a terribly bad place, so I would be lying if I wasn’t conflicted.”

And, Lauren Book adds emphatically, she and her father don’t agree about everything when it comes to this issue.

“We fight all the time, very badly. You should see dinner at our house,” she said.

But they do agree on the residency restrictions.

“Ron Book, I beg you to come out here and live one day the way that we live and this will never ever happen,” said Gregory Baker. “They will change their story so fast it will make their head spin around.”

He says if he could find an address he would be gone immediately.

“I’d be burning rubber. That’s how quick I could get out of here. If they came and told me, ‘Hey, [you have] this address,’ phew, you wouldn’t see me. I’d be gone.  You’d see smoke,” said Baker.


32 thoughts on “Sex Offenders Sent To Homeless Encampment Told To Find Housing, But Where?

  • August 24, 2017

    Someone with a social accound shoud Copy and paste this weeks FAC Weekly update to the link on Channel 6. It tells the public the EXACT story of Ron Book and Sen. Lauren Book and the Registered Citizens beginning with the Tuttle Bridge.
    Please don’t miss this opportunity. It’s our chace to out Ron Book for the perpetrator he is AND it will let the public know about the REAL motives of Lobbyist Ron Book and Sen. Lauren Book

    • August 24, 2017

      Can someone please do this?

      • August 29, 2017

        Has anyone done it yet…?

        • August 30, 2017

          No. No one has. I understand it because you have to have a pair to do this as you will be hunted by LEO and the politicians once it’s done.

          It’s the right thing to do though. However, if some journalist would print the story in it’s entirety, telling the truth so no agency gets sued by the Books, it serves the same purpose. It only needs to be printed once and Book plus his politician daughter are done.

      • August 31, 2017

        FAC, I’ll do it with your permission. I’ll not just send this article to channel 6 Miami, but to every media outlet in Florida, and ask them to do their own investigation in their area’s. I’ll not use FAC as the source if that is the request. Do I need WLRN’s permission to do so?

        • August 31, 2017

          Sure thing, go right ahead.

    • August 25, 2017

      Mike – not so sure channel 6 would be the place. Aren’t they the ones always doing the sensationalized sex offender investigations? Not too long actually got several RSOs put out of a job? Or was that a different station?

      • August 25, 2017

        Not sure Karen. I know telling this information would hit Ron Book right in his backyard. I no longer have a social account that I can use thanks to the new identifier law and the fact that comments require a Facebook account. I do know that the general public does not know the full story about Book starting with the JTB……FAC put together a wonderful history that needs to be shared on a news site comment area. The public needs to know about what Ron Book has done.

        • August 25, 2017

          Well, it wouldn’t be the first time FAC has been involved in a documentary. Maybe 60 minutes would do a special report, being sure to add in Book’s story…?

  • August 23, 2017

    **And I don’t understand why any registrant would want to live south of Ocala when they get out of prison. All the nightmare stories seem to originate in Central and Southern Florida. Compared to that, I have to say that we have it made up here in North Florida. No, it’s not the Land of Oz up here and Duval County certainly is not perfect. But most of us haven’t encountered the issues we keep hearing about from down there. My advice to any registrant is to consider living in North, North Central, or the Panhandle of Florida. LOTS of rural areas and most likely, many more options to find housing. Some of these counties still have the ridiculous ordinances and laws that Miami-Dade has on top of the state 1000 foot rule, but there are lots of areas that could fit in the restrictions up here. Jacksonville is the largest city in the country by land area and for the most part, I haven’t heard of too many SO’s having trouble finding a place to live, unless they have the Predator designation and then they are bound by the 2500 foot rule. Duval abides by the state minimums which is nice. They just have that stupid holiday ordinance which is asinine. Oh well, I’ll take that bad with the majority good we have here. Duval has bigger fish to fry like police getting shot (just happened last weekend), gang violence, and drug epidemics. They don’t worry too much about SO technicalities. And all those folks would have to do is pick the county they want to move to, inform Miami-Dade they’re leaving, find an address in the new county, and get the hell out of there. Of course, it helps if you know someone in the destination county that can find you a place that works, but then again, they can always just inform Miami-Dade and just leave and go be transient in the new county until they can find a hotel or another decent place to live. I mean, they’ve been living in squalor for years, what’s a few more weeks in a new, better county?? Just my thoughts.

    • August 23, 2017

      How about those whose families live in Miami-Dade? Who have jobs or businesses in the county? Who are on probation and can’t leave? Or who prefer to live in a city and not a rural area?

      • August 23, 2017

        Where did this myth of probationers not allowed to move out of county come from? As long as it’s within the state, you can go wherever you want. DOC CANNOT keep you from making improvements to your life, such as getting a job or education elsewhere. As for money being the issue, go GET the money. If you don’t look for opportunity, you will never find it. I was VP of a small business for 15 years, 8 of that was on probation. Still have to register off probation, but went to school in that time as well and am a machinist/engineer. USE your deficit to your benefit. Pell grants are free. Scholorships are free. You would be amazed at how much money donors will throw at you for an education. Be realistic in your endeavors.


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