Gotta Love It! This week’s classic quote.

So we all know how much local news stations play up the sex offender scare. Ratings are low… nothing compelling to report… thrown in a story about “dozens of sex offenders living in a motel” or “sex offenders in the parking lot of your grocery store” and people perk up!

Believe me… as an organization that advocates for those labeled “sex offenders” whose membership is primarily comprised of family and loved ones of these individuals, the last thing they want is to be clustered in flea-bag motels where they are charged an exorbitant premium because of their status or in a parking lot. They would love to be able to live at home with their families, but they can’t because of the messed up laws that are causing them to be where they are.

Today, two sex offender fear-monger networks, WPLG (they actually have their own sex offender registry on their site) and WFTV are running stories about sex offenders living in parking lots of super-markets and motels. You can read the stories here and here.

The WFTV story contains a quote that made me smile. After going into their “how can these sex offenders stay in motels where children stay… oh my!” – they quote the registrant they had been following as saying;

“If you check the records, and be a good reporter, instead of having your head up your ass, you’ll see that my ‘so called’ victim was an adult, and it’s got nothing to do with kids!”



8 thoughts on “Gotta Love It! This week’s classic quote.

  • July 14, 2017

    I would laugh but the repoter from the WFTV story Darlene Jones said they have been in touch with a law maker about changing the rules and promised to keep viewers informed. I think someone from FAC should inform Ms Jones of the consequences of making hundreds of registrants homeless 100 registrants using Wal Mart as their address. Dissapoints me how the local media would rather be apart of the problem rather than apart of the solution for the same of a sensationalized story full of half truth and missing information Here her email address of anyone wants to give Ms Jones some insight

    • July 14, 2017

      She should do a piece just like that on how many drug dealers or people with drug-related convictions are also living in these hotels around all these children that “no one knows about”… the results would speak for themselves.

  • July 13, 2017

    That quote brings a smile to my face: none of the typical, polite, sugar-coated bullsh*t. It’s great when people are charged up and speak their minds with emotions for a change. When you have issues that involve something as asinine as these laws, that is how people Should speak, because these laws are insanity.

  • July 13, 2017

    I love the “so called” victim part.

    As most people do NOT realize, the VAST MAJORITY on the Florida sex offender registry are VICTIMLESS “crimes” that actually involve NOONE.

    Well, perhaps a horny police man getting off pretending to be a teenage girl (bet they have a long line to “volunteer” for that assignment)…or looking at some image WHILE ALONE IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN HOME!

    The myth aka LIE is that everyone labelled as a sex offender is a “baby rapist” is just that – A LIE. It sells papers, gets people to watch the lame local news, and best of all for politicians it is a great PROPAGANDA TOOL for manipulating and controlling people with FEAR.

    Now how’s THAT is some TRUTH!

    • July 14, 2017

      I am not sure if that article is based in fact or not – but it seems like trash to me. What a crock!

      • July 14, 2017

        I seriously doubt any of it was fact-checked, but it showed up in a Facebook feed so…if it shows up in one who knows how many others see this and freak out thinking the world is about to end because of so-called “legalized pedophilia”. Some website clearly just wants hits so they use attention grabbing headlines and fluffed up bullshit.

  • July 13, 2017



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