Teacher gets jail time for skipping school to film sex with teen student

And ANOTHER one. Check out her sentence for not only molesting the child but video-taping it! Talk about a double-standard! If it were a male teacher, he’d have gotten 20 years for the sexual assault PLUS more time for production and distribution of child pornography!


A high school Spanish teacher who left school to have sex with a teen student and film it was sentenced to three years in jail, according to local reports.

Ekatherine Pappas, 25, pleaded guilty to three counts of misdemeanor fourth-degree sex offense last month and was sentenced in a Baltimore court Monday, though the judge suspended all but a year and a day of her sentence, the Baltimore Sun reported. The state dropped additional felony counts.

Police investigated after a sexually explicit video of Pappas and the 16-year-old made its way around the school in January.

“I cannot begin to explain the terror of being notified that my son had been sexually abused and it was on videotape that had been circulated throughout the school for others to see,” the victim’s father said in a statement to the court, adding that his son had not returned to school afterward.


8 thoughts on “Teacher gets jail time for skipping school to film sex with teen student

  • July 13, 2017

    The outrage is not that this (female) teacher’s sentence is too lenient, but that a male teacher, in the same scenario, likely would receive a much lengthier prison sentence and be on the registry for a longer period of time.

    I don’t know what impact this will have on the teen involved in this…whether he consented or not…but it is downright confusing to be a teenager these days. In this case, a 16 year old is a naive child, a victim of a predatory adult. Under different circumstances, a 16 year old (or younger) teen can be considered a predator who knows full well what (s)he’s doing and deserves eternal damnation in the deepest pit of hell.

    The act itself, a 25 year old woman having sex with a 16 year old boy is not particularly disturbing. Such things have been happening for a very long time.

  • July 12, 2017

    This makes my blood boil.

  • July 12, 2017

    She made national news. picture plastered on all major news sites. That itself is wrong. Pay per click. No double standard. Also, age of consent. Either your for reform or your not.

    Just because you dont hear about it or see someone cry about it. Does not mean men or male teachers also get away with suspended or lesser sentences.

    • July 13, 2017

      You are incorrect. The double standard is real. If a male, teacher or not, skipped school to videotape sex with a 16 year old girl, he would have his balls nailed to the wall with a rusty screwdriver. People would call him a pervert and a pedophile and a whole bunch of other immature things that they don’t even know the real definition of. If you think for one second females DON’T get away with or get let off easier on the same things that males do, you need to read more. If this were me, I would instantly be charged with an F2 at the least, who the hell has ever even heard of a FOURTH DEGREE misdemeanor?!?!? That’s basically saying “sorry your here we’ll just scold you and you go about your business”. I personally know someone who was given 10 years in prison for sex with a 16 year old, so that “age of consent” crap doesn’t hold water either. There are people WITHOUT VICTIMS that get longer than that. They don’t even HAVE an age!!

      It’s quite clear, if this were a male, he would have been given a MUCH harsher sentence.

      In reference to your “either for reform or not” remark, show some cases where the male in the same or similar situation got the same or similar sentence…..you can’t because it’s impossible.

      • July 13, 2017


        • July 14, 2017

          Well go on then….share the details. If you have a story to tell let’s hear it. Because I personally have never seen a male and a female commit the same “crime” and get the same punishment. NEVER. And not just relating to sex offenses, but it’s much more clear with sex-related crimes that there is a double standard.

          • July 14, 2017

            Not necessary to share details. However, there are plenty more out there. Some things go away or lesser sentence because someone doesnt want it to make news.

          • July 15, 2017

            Well how easy it is for you to say that there are no details must be convenient. How fortunate for you but this is a place for people with real problems. Not a place for people to flaunt how they got over. If that’s the case that you got off easy then you’re part of the double standard that’s the problem.

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