Member Submission RE: Washington Post Fact Check

[T]he Washington Post did a Three Pinocchio award on Justice Alito’s misleading claim [that registrants have a high rate of recidivism]

With the Post being such a respected newspaper I suggest a call to arms to email them congratulating on unbiased reporting!! We are always asked to write to person opposed to us and that is a very important, albeit frustrating task. I am sure many members feel it is hopeless.

But this? This is monumental!!! It is a chance to thank the press for being on our side for a change!!. And not just any press. But a thought leader in that industry!.

Lets thank Michelle Ye Hee Lee for her fact based reporting. Her email is:

Lets cc the editorial board to let them know we appreciate their approving the article. Their email address

Here is her article:

Let’s capture the win with action!

5 thoughts on “Member Submission RE: Washington Post Fact Check

  • June 26, 2017

    In case anyone is interested here is my email to Ms. Lee…

    “Ms. Michelle Ye Hee Lee,

    Thank you so much for your fact checker article on Justice Alito concerning the Packingham v. North Carolina case. Sex offenders are the scorned of our current society and yet they are someone’s father, son, or husband. It is always surprising (to many) that sex offenders actually have people who love them. It is the only type of crime in our society that once someone has paid their debt to society they continue to be punished (in many, many ways) sometimes for the rest of their lives. Those of us who love a sex offender know that the vast majority of sex offenders are good people that made a mistake (as with any other crime). We also know that the vast majority of sex offenders would be valuable members of society if the archaic laws applied to them allowed them to be.

    The advocacy for sex offenders community fights the misinformation and unconstitutional laws every day but when someone, like yourself, who has national and even global reach speaks the truth it is a victory that one can only imagine!

    Thank you SO much for your courage, your knowledge, and your willingness to speak the truth without regard for the “popular” stance. “

    • June 26, 2017

      Awesome latter Karen, Coulsnt have said it better

  • June 22, 2017

    I wish it would let me read it without subscribing…

    • June 24, 2017

      I did not needed to subscribe.

      • June 26, 2017

        Thanks! I think if you try to read several articles in a day it will not show the article (if you are not a subscriber). This morning it let me in!


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