WI: State struggles to find new homes for sex offenders
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Thirty-six violent sex offenders who have completed treatment are still waiting in prison for Wisconsin officials to find them somewhere to live, an Associated Press review of state data reveals.
Wisconsin policymakers, like those in many states, have struggled for years to find homes for sex offenders in the face of opposition from local communities and legal restrictions on where they can live. It’s a process that takes months and sometimes years.
…“It’s just this continuing problem of ‘We can’t find a place, we can’t find a place,’” said state Rep. Mark Born, a Republican who came forward with the bipartisan proposal. “This program is successful if it can work through all of its stages. But right now there are problems finding placement for supervised release.”
…Of the 160 people who have been released in the program’s history, only three have committed another crime. DHS spokeswoman Jennifer Miller said that in each case, the victims knew their perpetrators.
Some law makers ! Are the law breakers ! Take a good long look in the mirror every time you get near one! And think about the homeless people. And the other problems you have caused loving family’s and innocent people, when your laying in your bed. After looking in the mirror one last time tonight!
You know, when the founding fathers wrote the US Constitution, they only worried about the betterment of the country, and set laws that actually helped the people of these United States, as I said in another post “LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS”, used to mean something. They didn’t worry about how much they were getting paid or if they would even be elected a second term in office. They put the Ex-Post Facto clause in the Constitution for a reason, to protect it’s citizens from being further persecuted by any state or federal government. But, now days these so called ‘politicians’, only care about 3 things, (1) Themselves, which also includes, (2)When can we vote for another raise in pay, and (3) What lies, and non-factual things can I tell the public to get re-elected, and manipulate the system to the way I want it. They don’t care about the people of this nation, or about the laws our forefathers set. This nation’s law were set by the people and for the people, not on the ‘politicians’ own agenda. As things are going now, we are no longer “land of the free and home of the brave” we are now the “land of the oppressed and the home of the fearful”.
You are “exactly 100%” right!!
The VAST majority of those labeled as “sex offenders” are NOT criminals.
Most have been “caught” simply exploring NORMAL human sexuality and being punished and socially shamed for life!
For the state to say that are “struggling” is an insult as they are the ones who created a “problem” where there should not be one.
They are NOT struggling – They ARE profiting!
I would love to see them “suffering” from lawsuits paying out damages for abusing the civil and human rights of their citizens!
Then let them complain – WHAT A JOKE!
True Mike but…..but they should be careful what they wish for! If there were not the inane laws for RSOs they would not be having trouble finding them a place to live!
That is a true statement!
I have to say, I am impressed that the politicians in WI are actually trying to assist the RSO’s get on with their lives. This reminds me of the program in place in Canada. They used to be know as COSA. If the RSO had help reintegrating back into society, then there is a greater chance for success and greater safety for the community at large.
Why the hell are the Florida politicians to damning!! Can’t they see how much damage they are doing, or does their career mater more to them than a human life, human rights and a safe community.
A politician is an uncaring narcissistic sociopath who cares about nothing except his or herself.
They exist for one function and one function only. Self Promotion and Self Enrichment.
They will exploit, use, and abuse without remorse, anyone who can help them in these goals.