This is what Marion County’s scare creates…
Marion County recently launched a campaign of posting warning signs at schools and visiting all the county’s registrants.
The hysteria they are creating has prompted individuals to create their own signs. See the article below:
A Marion County woman wants everyone to know that a sexual predator lives in her neighborhood.
Karin Ahrman put signs in her front lawn and on telephone poles to warn everyone that ______________ lives on NE 23rd Avenue in Ocala.
There is nothing illegal about what Ahrman is doing because the information can be found on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s website.
“I nailed them on every telephone pole in the neighborhood,” Ahrman said. “I was molested at 4. I was raped at 12. You don’t get over it. Someone has to be here and be the voice for the voiceless.”
There’s nothing illegal about the sign, but Deputy Paul Bloom said Ahrman could still end up in legal trouble if something goes wrong.
“If this person, this sex offender was attacked and that person was determined that they attacked him because they heard that they were a sex offender, certainly there’s going to be some civil liability there,” Bloom said.
NOTE: Interesting the Deputy sees the registrant getting attacked as a foreseeable scenario here!
Even 5 years ago the same issues were being brought up….
Actually, it is against the law to post signs on right away (next to the road) and upon utility poles. Marion County Fl. considers signs litter Marion County Fl. Ordinance Chapter 16, Article 3 section 16.1 (per recent telephone conversation with Marion County Code Officer)
it is considered liter
now if someone wants to find the person that admitted to posting this address and file complaint or many people can Marion county code complaint number and address is: Address: 2710 E Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, FL 34470
Phone: (352) 671-8900
also, it is against federal regulations:
i did not go check who to complain to at the fed level but perhaps we could locate this person’s address and have 50-100 people call or write and complain maybe an example could be made out of this person.
also i did not look at the fdle website but i’m sure there is something on there about altering/misuse of the flyer
if you want to start fighting back and raise a stink, perhaps this is the case to do it on!