Brandon, FL Middle school students facing felony child pornography charges

Deputies in Florida put the cuffs on two boys and two girls on Friday. All four are facing various child pornography charges.

Corporal Larry McKinnon explains a 12-year-old boy took video of a juvenile victim performing a sex act on him.  That defendant then shared the video with a 14-year-old boy who posted it on Instagram.  Two other 12-year-old girls also received the video and are also now facing charges.

The four suspects and the victim are students at Burns Middle School in Brandon.


10 thoughts on “Brandon, FL Middle school students facing felony child pornography charges

  • May 31, 2017

    Oh my God. Victim? Who is the “victim?” The person performing the act…VOLUNTARILY?!!! ALL four kids are victims of THE SATANIC GOVERNMENT…PERIOD. We all are “victims” of the ignorant, hoarding, greedy, control freaks that run the planet. I am SICK of the constant grab for control, money and resources. Humanity MUST WAKE UP NOW. 👁

    “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
    -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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