Australia Proposes to Prevent Sex Offenders from Ever Leaving Country.

In a harsh new measure, a new Australian law proposes to revoke the passports of sex offenders and prevent them from leaving the country.

It further “will make it a crime for convicted child-sex offenders to leave or attempt to leave Australia.”

You can read more about this here.

7 thoughts on “Australia Proposes to Prevent Sex Offenders from Ever Leaving Country.

  • May 29, 2017 at 11:49 am

    This is nothing new in NAZI Germany thiswas done to Jews trying to flee the country

  • May 29, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    I agree fully with you. There are innocent people caught up in this nightmare as well as people who committed a victimless crimes. They are lumped together with actual criminals who have harmed actual people.

    Either way, if you have done your time and paid for your “crime” then you should not be help prisoner in a virtual prison with no avenue to travel or even relocate for a fresh start should you wish!

    This is a violation of basic HUMAN RIGHTS as most of these knee jerk, feel good, appear tough on crime, BS laws are as they are NOT based on FACTS and do nothing to protect children at all!

    Seems that the Australian government is no better than the American one. Just politicians using legislation to create an artificial “second class” of citizens who have NO opportunity to better themselves and therefore, very little motivation to follow the endless list of absurd abusive laws/punishments that are added on each year!

    I guess this might end when enough politicians are caught and it benefits them to bring so sanity to this madness but until then the future looks very grim worldwide for “sex offenders”.

    I can see a future where those branded as sex offenders will need to escape to countries who have some sanity and apply for asylum on the bases of discrimination in their home countries of Australia or the United States!

    How pathetic these governments have been allowed to become. Actual freedom is quickly becoming a thing of the past as the police state becomes slowly accepted as the new norm! I feel sorry for the next generation.

    It seems that human society has peaked and is starting a worldwide decline back into the dark ages when religion, fear, and superstition ruled and science and facts were taboo!

    • July 9, 2017 at 1:44 pm

      i Agree with you whole heartedly Lee C

  • May 29, 2017 at 4:14 pm

    Shades of the Communist witch hunt and Hollywood blacklist of the 1950’s United States.

  • May 30, 2017 at 12:28 pm

    This is absurd! WTH??? Ha ha I would imagine (if the hysteria is as bad in Australia as it is here) that the non-RSO people are saying why do we want to keep them??? LOL

  • July 10, 2017 at 7:25 am

    Being held prisoner in any country after you have served your sentence for your crime is absolutely insane! What are they thinking???


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