Minnesota registrants take fight over civil commitment to the Supreme Court

On Friday, a group of Minnesota sex offenders who are civilly committed (confined indefinitely in prison-like treatment centers after they have already completed their criminal sentences) filed a petition to have their case heard by the Supreme Court of the United States.

In 2015, a U.S. District Court Judge declared parts of the civil commitment law unconstitutional, but that decision was overturned by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals this past January.

Of the more than 720 people civilly committed in the State, ONLY ONE (1) has been unconditionally released since the program started in 1994!

One thought on “Minnesota registrants take fight over civil commitment to the Supreme Court

  • May 22, 2017

    This is what happens when citizens have to deal with laws made by legislators who are ignorant of the situations they are passing laws concerning. Wake up society to the real threats…law makers who are only concerned about the next election and know nothing about the Constitution.


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