What the heck is going on in Missouri
It’s a new law that’s causing people to question whether they are hearing it correctly or whether it’s “fake news” or not.
Missouri passed a law that’s putting all sex offenders on GPS for life. Even those whose sentences don’t order it.
Clearly they are not applying it retroactively, right? WRONG! It’s being applied to offenses that took place on or after August 28, 2006.
Clearly they are only applying it to people who are on probation, right? WRONG! Even someone that’s been off probation for years gets strapped with a GPS for life.
Clearly those who left the state of Missouri after having paid their debt to society can’t be subject to this law, right? WRONG! They are expected to get a GPS also.
Clearly it only applies to the “worst of the worst, most dangerous recidivists”, right? WRONG! It’s applied to Romeo and Juliet, first-time and non-contact offenders too.
Clearly it’s being challenged in court, right? HELL YES IT’S BEING CHALLENGED! Attorney Matt Fry has already sued the State of Missouri on behalf of his client.
We offer him all the support and luck in the world. This law is asinine!
I’ve been doing a lot of reading today, about the Michigan decision (Yeah a winner!!!), but also about How all these states are actually violating a few other amendments as well. 8th amendment protection against, no excessive fines, bails, or cruel and unusual punishment, 14th amendment, prevents citizens from being illegally deprived of life, liberty, and property, the first part of the Declaration of Independence, that says, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness., and also the Ex Post Facto clause. With this Ex post Facto clause hanging over our heads, how are we suppose to attain these things, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, when we are oppressed which is a form of cruel and unusual punishment, because of this Ex post Facto clause imposed by these states that just keep piling on more and more Idiotic laws. It’s time to fight back, people, or else they are going to keep taking more and more, till there is nothing left for us.
I believe the ex post facto via Calder v Bull and other retroactive aspects of these laws have been fought before and defeated. All we can do is a death by a thousand papercuts fight against a growing base of ignorance. One day the ride will turn. Hopefully early enough in my lifetime that I cam enjoy life again. I was 19. I’m 45 now. Completed over 15 years probation in 2008 for something I didn’t even do. At least adjudication was withheld.
The only people that should be monitored for life are these freaks that setup this law. It would have saved thousands of families’ lives from agony if these lawmakers tied a rope around their neck and jumped off of the nearest ledge before drafting such a Law, unfortunately that would be too much justice. The state of Missouri should also pay damages to all registrants harmed by this law, if that is possible.
A member of ACSOL reminded everyone that SCOTUS reversed a similar decision 2 years ago agains the state of NC. Here is the link: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2015/0330/GPS-monitoring-of-sex-offenders-for-life-Supreme-Court-reverses-N.C.-case-video
Can someone with more legal expertise than me explain how Missouri can enforce this law against someone who no longer lives in the state of Missouri?
Follow the money. Maybe this is a test for a much larger agenda? I would bet Walsh has something to do with this, since he has a large vested interest in GPS monitoring. This screams of cronyism and backroom deals. Politics as usual.
Forgot to mention in the post…
The registrants will have to incur the monthly cost of monitoring. KA-CHING!
When they unknowingly step inside a buffer zone or inevitably their device malfunctions they get sent back to prison. KA-CHING!
Then they need to go back to “treatment” and pay their treatment provider. KA-CHING!
3M Co. (NYSE: MMM) is trading at $194 a share.
GEO Group (NYSE: GEO) is trading at $30 a share.
Corrections Corporation of America; CoreCivic (NYSE: CXW) is also trading at $30 a share.
These are stocks to watch. We know the legislators in Missouri clearly are!