MO: New Bill Imposes Lifetime GPS on Sex Offenders
A new bill in Missouri seeks to slap anyone who was found guilty of a sex offense after August 2006 to wear a GPS ankle bracelet for life.
Thankfully the attorney quoted in the following article recognizes the law will be challenged.
More can be found here:
A “feather in the cap” for our cause, since the absurdity of these bills continues to become evident.
Although I would not want to see anyone subjected to a life time of monitoring for any crime – I find it so interesting that throughout history statistics show that far and away types of theft and robbery are the most committed crime in the World. If you were to be a victim of a stranger it would be this type of crime. So why is it largely ignored and has the least amount of punishment?
People should be OUTRAGED about this. If you think it is OK to slap GPS monitoring on anyone for anything that you don’t like, without due process of law, you need your head seriously re-examined. These lawmakers should start with resigning. Bastards earning brownie points with clueless and naive voters, while they get kick backs from 3M and other state contracted GPS manufacturers for putting GPS on everyone. Sick bastards.
I’d say the state Should prepare for a law suit. This is unconstitutional! I cannot imagine how this will go forward as it’s applied without due process of law!
Another example of flawed policy passing without empirical evidence to back it up.
Of all the crimes that “need” to be monitored, sex offenders are among the least needing monitoring. If the lady is so concerned about children as she claims, she might want to monitor drug dealers, gang bangers, teachers and school staff while on school grounds, armed car jackers, armed home invaders, etc. since in recent history these have a far more negative impact on children.