WI: Bill to keep Romeo and Juliet offenders off registry.

MILWAUKEE — A group of lawmakers says Wisconsin’s sex offender registry is watered down with teenagers who have no purpose being on it, and they’ve proposed legislation to carve out a so-called “Romeo and Juliet” exemption.

Under the bill, teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 years old who have consensual sex would no longer be put on the state registry, though they would be guilty of a misdemeanor crime. Wisconsin law makes it illegal for two people under the age of 18 to have sexual contact, regardless of consent.


2 thoughts on “WI: Bill to keep Romeo and Juliet offenders off registry.

  • May 8, 2017

    While this bill will have no impact on me, it is by far time to stop using sex offenses to destroy the lives of people, both the victims and the offenders. No sex offense is acceptable, but neither are any number of sex offense categories not correctable. Years after the offense, the victim has to live with the fact that maybe he/she destroyed the life and family of an otherwise good citizen and American. Repentance and forgiveness is the answer to making right such wrongs. Very few sex offenders are lifetime offenders.

  • May 8, 2017

    When Megans law first came out in the mid 1990’s I was all for it, but their were thoes who warned Megans law would eventually come after the youths it was supposed to protect – that 1 day children playing momy-daddy- teens doing the wild thing would be come sex offenders, I would of laughed that the were on drugs, well guess what I was the one on drugs for not believing them-it has come to pass! Megans law is now after the youths of america!


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