Student Sexual Assaults

As an interesting and coincidental follow up to a post of ours from last week, we wanted to mention that the Washington Post, yesterday, ran a story called, “Student Sex Assaults and How They Vary by State” which gave interesting statistics of elementary and secondary school students who report sexual assaults at schools.

According to the story; in Florida “[s]chools notified the state’s education department annually of all incidents of student sexual battery, defined as attempted or actual penetration and, as of 2015, sexual assault, including threats of rape, fondling, indecent liberties, child molestation or sodomy. The actual number of attacks at an individual school or district was masked when there were fewer than 10 a year. Over the four-year period, the state reported 165 such incidents.”

So in 2015 there were 165 reported incidents. Wonder how many of those were committed by someone on a sex offender registry?

We wondered too, which is why we submitted a Public Information Request to the Florida Department of Education. They promptly replied that they didn’t have that information. In light of the Washington Post’s article that “the state’s education department” is notified of the incidents, we will ask for that information, as well as submit separate public information requests to every individual county’s School Boards.

If anyone is interested in volunteering to help with this project, please contact

Stay Tuned…

4 thoughts on “Student Sexual Assaults

  • May 2, 2017

    How many sex offenders were involved? None. The article inferred that it was while it occurred on school grounds and so I’m sure they are talking about student on student. We already know the adults who’ve done that, they’re on the evening news and CNN. Let’s spend our time on something more productive.

  • May 2, 2017

    Once it is uncovered that the Police department and school department is part of a scheme to deceive the public and waste taxpayer dollars with this ‘war on registered offenders’ while they turn a blind eye to the real dangers to kids at schools, can this story be published by Washington Post, New York Times or similar news outlets? Let’s make sure to publicly name these bastards that created the idea of posting signs around school for “offenders to keep out” while doing nothing to protect children from the real, documented dangers. We MUST publicly shame people like this for intentionally trying to destroy good families that just want to be left alone and live a life protected by their rights in this country as any other citizen. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

  • May 2, 2017

    It would seem that the bureaucrats are more than willing to place blame but when it comes to examining the facts they are far less inclined to investigate. I am a news “hound” and I cannot remember when I last read an article where an RSO committed an illicit act on school grounds…that’s been pretty much left up to the teachers, school employees, and students.

  • May 2, 2017

    Isn’t it convenient that they do not have the info?


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