4 thoughts on “Man gets 100 years in prison for CP

  • March 4, 2017

    I misspoke, but the statement also goes for Florida Judicial system, it’s actually the U.S. judicial system. If the man was the one who actually was in the video or photo’s with the children, I would say he deserves the conviction, but not 100 yrs prison, 25 yrs probation. that really is as ‘JZ’ says “cruel and unusual punishment”. It’s probably another judge and prosecutor wanting to give out more than a million yrs. before they retire so they can sleep better at night.

  • March 4, 2017

    Florida Judicial System??? I believe it’s ” Florida’s Judicial malfunction!!!! This is what FAC is fighting against.

  • February 28, 2017

    Can anyone say, “cruel and unusual?” No hands-on victims and he gets 100 years? Deportation would be a blessing!

  • February 27, 2017

    So upon release from DOC Probation he will be 164? I missed the part about Distribution? Anyone? His defense Attorney needs to do something else for living. Maybe he is Hispanic and will be deported. This is the Neo Fascist witch hunt we are fighting. The registrant have become fair game.


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