President Trump: War on Human Trafficking

According to the FBI, human trafficking is believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world. In recent years cases have been piling up and leads are hard to follow in many instances.   President Trump has vowed to bring “full force and weight” to battle this epidemic aggressively . In a Reuters video the president pointed out the seriousness of this issues in America and worldwide. A short synopsis of the statements maid by President trump indicate that globally nearly 21 million people are victims of human trafficking, according to the U.N.’s International Labor Organization. An estimated 4.5 million of them are forced into sex work. More cases of human trafficking were reported in California than in any other U.S. state last year, according to data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s hotline. Some 5,500 cases of sex trafficking were reported to the center’s hotline nationwide last year, according to its website.

The president is meeting at the White House with senior advisers and representatives of organizations that deal with trafficking. His daughter, Ivanka Trump, is among those in attendance.

Trump calls human trafficking a problem that is “not talked about enough.” He says he will order the departments of Justice and Homeland Security to take a hard look at the resources they are devoting to addressing the issue.

Reports indicate that the issue of human trafficking is a priority of Ivanka Trump, who has pledged to advise her father on women’s issues. One of the charities attending the meeting, Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, was co-founded by her husband Jared Kushner.

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11 thoughts on “President Trump: War on Human Trafficking

  • January 23, 2019

    The legal system needs to assist these young girls that get caught with an out. With no money and no place to go they can’t get away. When a prostitute is caught she should be given an opportunity to get out of her situation by our police. There needs to be a program where these young girls can be relocated and put into a regular job with a new identity to get her out of harms way. When the police bust a prostitution ring, they need to offer a way out… not just send them to court and then put them back on the streets. Our legal system needs to be more compassionate of the situation. Unless we give these victims a chance we are never going to get control of this situation. The more we offer to these victims, the more they will let other victims know and hopefully we can get rid of this problem.

  • October 21, 2017

    In my informed opinion, up to 100% of children are sold into sexual slavery by the systems created to protect & help them.

    In America, children are removed without warrants! Parents are jailed for protecting their children!

    CPS, Child Protective Services, is monitarily rewarded & motivated. Every child is bought & paid for by our government. They then place the child in a foster home & pay those people, most all of them!, who physically & mentally torture/abuse &, sometimes, kill them! The price, paid, is even higher for The edically kidnapped. The children are virtually slaves, they have been bought & paid for by our government & are treated as such!. . . . . This is the reason slave trafficking is so high, it is a government program of Evil!

    • October 22, 2017

      Great point Patricia H. If money is involved it would seem that would certainly qualify!

  • February 27, 2017

    I agree that human trafficking is appalling and needs to be addressed. However this is just another fear mongering tactic by politicians like the war on drugs and the war on sex. The statistics show that human trafficking is not as widespread as reported. In addition, (not that this is ok mind you) the majority of human trafficking is labor based and not sex trade based. Then you have states like FL that reclassify prostitution as sex trafficking and your numbers look alarming!

  • February 26, 2017

    Human trafficking is despicable and needs to be stopped. I pray this admin can do the job.

  • February 25, 2017

    We knew things were too quiet on the news media homefront, of course it’s the perfect time for government to “Bring full force and weight,” specially when re-implementation of the AWA is being looked at. More laws, less freedom.

  • February 25, 2017

    This issue has very little to nothing to do with IDENTIFIERS on Passports of low risk Registrants. The real culprits of Trafficking Humans for Sex are foreigners. San Francisco for example has had this problem since the birth of this City. The promises made to come to America by unscrupulous characters that take away your life and money. Most of the victims have no documentation, no legal status in America so I would expect Amnesty even with Trumps hard line deportation policies in place. Obama was misguided when he signed the International Sex Offender Passport identification system that won’t do anything to change Human Sex Traffickers mindset.


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