Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act introduced in Congress
Sen Jim Sensenbrenner introduced the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act yesterday in congress.
The Act would seek to reauthorize the Adam Walsh Act for an additional five years.
It is notable that while the AWA set requirements for all 50 states, The Justice Department reports that only 17 states have implemented it. Either they disagree with the policy, feel their current sex offender management programs are working just fine for them, or realize the cost to implement the requirements far, far outweigh any government grant they would be foregoing by not implementing it.
It’s also notable that the effectiveness of the AWA has not been proven and it’s constitutionality has been questioned.
For those who have an interest in sharing your thoughts on legislation with your congress-person, we suggest you oppose the re authorization of the the unpopular and unproven AWA.
Yes the AWA is a bear to be sure….however, to me we have to realistic in what we strive for….AWA is not going away anytime soon, we all agree with that. To me a more realistic thing to fight for (at this time) is to require the states that implement AWA and receive money for it to follow AWA to the letter before they receive funds. That is not the case presently….states that are considered compliant only have to implement certain portions of AWA (or a certain percentage of it). What that means for FL registrants is that FL receives funds as being compliant but they are allowed to ignore certain provisions of AWA (such as the tier system) and also allowed to go WAY beyond the requirements of the AWA. Please do not get me wrong – I would LOVE to see AWA disappear but I know that is not going to happen soon. So, to me forcing a compliant state to ACTUALLY be complaint with what AWA says would help many registrants in those states.
The issue that should have been presented is more money for civil commitment for sexually violent predators. More money is needed for facilities to keep these violent individuals locked up. Reference Chapter 394 section 5 of the Florida Statutes
Complete rubbish- Adam Walsh – your wife should have been watching your child. She should be in jail for child neglect. You have tried grouping all S.O.’s in the same boat and it’s not all size fits all. You are a jerk that is capitalizing upon your misfortune.
Adam Walsh was the child. John Walsh is the problem. Mr. America’s Most Wanted all that rubbish……..SMH
Feb 17, 2017 These former attempts to re-authorize the
AWA failed by getting stuck in the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Oppose U S Senate bill S. 2613 which has passed the senate and as of June, 1 2016 is in the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Stop U S Senate bill S. 2613 the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act Reauthorization of 2016
Also known as “Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act of 2016”.
US SB 2613 authorizes federal spending of more than 243 million dollars.
— ALSO —
Oppose U.S. House bill H. R. 6133 which was introduced in the house on Sept 22, 2016 and as of Oct 11, 2016 is currently in the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Stop U.S. House bill H. R. 6133 the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act Reauthorization of 2016
Also known as “Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act of 2016”.
US H. R. 6133 authorizes federal spending of more than 431 million dollars.
Let us hope that the new 2017 versions (bill numbers unknown) also stall out. Please continue to contact representatives and demand that these bills never see the light of day. Educate reps with the facts supported by reliable documents.
Apparently it passes 89-0 last year, and was signed by the President in October 2016.
Not even ONE person questioned it.
I can’t hold my breath on this one, although it would relieve quite a few stresses in my life. :\
My money they don’t discuss, argue or read it. President signs immediately! No Congress person wants to be known as against any sex offender law. We need a Leader to vow and aim against the worst Law ever conceived. And has allowed States like Florida to do its own thing making it worse and destoying lives. It has done more harm than good and may I mention wannabe cop john walsh has turned into a reality tv bum! But my bet.. gets signed immediately. @JEV1A