WARNING: ClearMyCase.com
We have been contacted by many members about an unsolicited flyer they received in the mail from a company in Texas that is being marketed as “Clearmycase.com”.
Apparently the company is using the Florida Sex Offender registry to solicit registrants, telling them that they “have great news for you!”, “You may be eligible to deregister.” and “you may be eligible to stop reporting to law enforcement as a sex offender” and that for $150 they will review their case to let them know if they are eligible to “deregister”.
We suggest you do not fall for this. They are mass-mailing this solicitation to thousands of registrants, 99% of which will not be eligible for removal from the registry. In our opinion, this company is preying on thousands of desperately hopeful and naive registrants who will fork over $150 to be quickly and easily told they do not qualify for removal.
Here is a quick questionnaire that you should go through in your mind before even considering their flier:
- Have you received a full pardon from the governor of Florida or the President of the US?
- Have you had your conviction (or withhold) set aside in post-conviction relief?
- Was your offense a “Romeo and Juliet” offense where: (a) it was consensual, and (b) the victim was 14-17, and (c) you were no more than 4 years older than the victim?
- Has it been at least 25 years since you have been released from confinement, supervision, or sanction (whichever is latest) and have not been arrested for any felony or misdemeanor offense since release?
If you are a sexual offender (not predator)* and meet any of these four criteria, you should consult with a licensed Florida Attorney with experience in registration matters, not some company out of another state.
* If you are designated a sexual predator, effective July 1, 2007, in accordance with AWA, Florida removed the ability for a sexual predator to petition the court for removal of the sexual predator designation.
I fell for this after a Florida attorney had told me that I needed legal representation from the state where I was prosecuted and after Mr. Bordelon had saw where I’d plead NOT GUILTY, he assured me that he could clear my name.
It’s more than that.
If they are in any way providing legal advice, which they are, then they can be criminally charged. Please pursue this.
I have received this letter in Tennessee
I just got this letter in Cleveland Tennessee… When I read it I just couldn’t believe it… The scammers are actually using the registry to try and scam us… Reminds me of those who would use the registry to find us and hurt us… Like one case in New Jersey many years ago, and it’s still happening all over America… The sad part is that the violent attackers get away with it because they attacked a sex offender.
I paid them before I realized what they were doing .If you’ve lost money .file a complaint with the Texas Attorney General, and the Texas Bar Association also The Attorney’ I had is very good but I don’t think I should post his name here. They settled out of court.
Write to:
Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
or call: (800) 621-0508
We will be closing this page for comments. The company has been trying to stuff our comments with alleged “employee” reviews saying positive stuff. Only thing is; all the reviews are coming from the same IP address. It’s pretty blatant!
Ha ha really? What a bunch of dummies lol
I love the bold red banner! Thanks!
BTW – is there any way to “bump” these Clear My Case posts to the top so that everyone can see them?
Those people are a joke. And there were many who fell for it. I just gave $800.00 for credit repair. Think about how many gave $7,000 to $8,000 in a false hope. That man is extremely dangerous.
Do NOT, I repeat, Do not give your money to this company. John Fitzgerald Bordelon is a fraud that will take your money, have you sign a power of attorney giving away your rights, and using your identity for other reasons. He cannot get you off of that registry. This is a fraudulent company and you will lose your funds. He is a stalker who harasses people online before he contacts them on the registry, and they believe they will receive some kind of relief, but he is in fact the perpetrator. He enlist a fraudulent and blind private eye agency to seek you out and conduct these business measures. From police in front of your home, all the way to unwanted phone calls, so that all of a sudden you stop receiving the harrassment, when you pay for his services, or show up to one of his remote locations that will switch in 2 months. To the clients that have given their money and want their money back, and are prepared to take John Fitzgerald Bordelon to court, please contact me, as you know who I am. Stacie, an ex Office Manager who opened his company the right way. In his words “I don’t give a f&^% about those clients, while I’m defending them, and how they weren’t receiving services. He lost two attorneys prior to my leaving his company for the same reasons. He CANNOT get you off of that registry. Do not give your money to that man. To John Bordelon, if you stalk or harrass me again in any form or continue to use my legal services in your illegal operation, I will post another review. I dont want to smell a stench of you and those crooks at that office in any form in anything involving me or else.
Wow – thanks Stacie! Seems like this is illegal use of the registry information?
Justice will prevail !!!
Stacie, how do I sue this man for using the registry to try and scam me… In my opinion, this NO DIFFERENT than those who would use the registry to harm us at our front door, he just found a way to get it TROUGH our front door… Can a class action lawsuit be accomplished from everybody that received these solicitations? If so, I’m on board.
yes I have gotten one of these and fell for it I live in alabama
A member was my family was scammed by this company…any info you can provide to help us would be greatly appreciated.
Call your state’s attorney general.