US Sentencing Commission Seeks Comments to CP Sentencing Changes
The United States Sentencing Commission has sought public comment to sentencing guideline changes for Child Pornography offenses.
The sentences for these offenses currently do not reflect the culpability of the offender or the risk he or she presents. In many cases the punishment in the Federal system for someone who looks at these images would be harsher than the person who actually sexually assaulted the victim in the images.
The USSC has recognized the need to modify the sentencing guidelines for first time CP offenders, which is why they are seeking public input. We encourage you to write to the commission at the following:
For guidance, you can read the letter submitted by FAC here:
Chris has got to keep his biggest accomplishment rolling and the only way to do that is to LIE and GENERALIZE like we see here. He is and will continue to hurt innocent people as well as their families until this injustice and unconstitutional BS ABRUPTLY ENDS. Great eye opening commentary!
Possession of cp should not make someone a regesterd citizen, I can understand if someone is producing it. But merely looking at a photo. The penalties are way to harsh.
Completely agree. Just looking should not include prison time or the registry.