Dr Phil Show: Not all registered sex offenders are guilty
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Last night I watched a Dr. Phil show I had recorded last week. Most of the show was typical Dr. Phil on sex offenses but it takes a turn at the end. The boyfriend had passed a “therapeutic” lie detector test during his treatment which indicated that he was being honest that he had not groped the victim. On the show, the victim agreed to take a lie detector test and at the very end of the show, Dr. Phil suggested that viewers go to the Facebook Page and Twitter – “We will have information there about whether or not sexual offenders can be rehabilitated, what their degree of re-offense is – it is lower than you think.”  After the credits ran there were three screens of text containing the following – 1) “Matt’s accuser took a polygraph exam after the show and was asked in that exam if Matt had groped her”; 2)”She responded that he had”; 3) “According to the results, her answer was deceptive”. Episode 2576 aired January 13, 2017. Dr. Phil’s final comments and the text screens were not found on the website excerpts.
Florida released a convicted sex offender that was released after 8 years and found out the girl accuser lied because he did not love her.
He was on Dr. Phil and after the show he was still required to register as a Predator sex offender.
Dr. Phil did not even write the State of Florida to help him get the court to order his release from registry.
That’s so disgusting and disturbing. It should absolutely be criminal to make false accusations and those accusers should have to pay… even though that cannot make up for the damage they’ve done to their victims.
I was falsely accused and convicted of sexual assault on an ex girlfriend’s daughter, 2 years after we split up.
I have nothing to hide and volunteered for a polygraph test by a state polygrapher who does polygraph tests for sex offender programs in prison.
I passed with “flying colors” and have never been trained to beat a polygraph test.
Do you see the bias where it’s not admissible in court but they use them in prison once you’re convicted?
Let a jury decide about the results after expert testimony about the exam.
I also found out two days before trial that the child’s aunt, which is who accused me and where the child was staying at the time, was a xxx porn actress who was also having swinger parties at her home.
The prosecutor not only ignored that but filed Motions In Limine with the judge, who approved them, that the jury couldn’t hear anything about it.
I could go on about more details but my point is that the system is truly biased and corrupt.
I was and still am willing to prove in ANY WAY that it never happened but unfortunately the system only cares about it’s own agenda.
Joel, if you are innocent I hope it can be proved and the accusers go to jail for a longtime. Have you contacted Innocence Project? Now in its 25th year fighting for criminal justice reform, the Innocence Project aims to exonerate those who have been falsely accused of crimes, including sex crimes.
How infuriating that show was in a lot of ways. Talk about a soap opera of who’s, corrupting who and who’s upset about the war on crime or the truth and justice behind the scenes.
Even the sponsors were a bit s siddish of the show. Basically the show was all about ratings and money. Much of the show was a racist based of peoples opinion and it seems everyone has problems on that. Talk about this bias criticism on the state of abuse issues we all face when the issues is left undone. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153343725/dr-phil-final-season-phil-mcgraw
Polygraphs are nothing more than a blunt instrument of deception to induce a confession during an interrogation. The public has been deceived by law enforcement into believing the test can detect deception, the applied psychology is ” If you telling the truth than you have nothing to fear”.
But couldn’t the “fear” of a false positive and the consequences that will likely follow be just as emotionally powerful as lying? It’s not possible to distinguish between the two, the powerful emotion produced by the “fear’ of deception the other the fear of being wrongly accused of deception.
It is usually during the post test interrogation where the polygrapher tells you the machine has detected deception, your lying to me, you’ll never be able to disprove it and one on probation will certainly suffer some kind of negative consequence, perhaps a lost privilege.
The mother of this baby should be prosecuted, knowing someone 2 mo and allowing a convicted SO live with her and her child is a crime. EVEN if he was not guilty. If there is the slightest chance, the mother should have not started a relationship with him. Baby girl is most important and she should be charged with child endangerment. She is a terrible mother.
“EVEN if he was not guilty”. Are you a moron??
Right on
Pretty much eliminates the possibility of me dating at all, as most women my age have at least one child. Yes, she should exercise due diligence as to his offense and ascertain whether or not she feels it’s an appropriate fit; but to simply deny someone because of a government label that 7/10 means NOTHING is foolish. I’ve dated women with small children and have been upfront about my case and most, once they’ve seen the charging documents that I always offer to provide, they have no further issue.
That, of course, didn’t stop my ex wife from trying to use my status against me in court. Fortunately, the judge in our case recognized that the case predated our marriage and childbirths and told her that there was no way she couldn’t have known about my status before we were married and decided to have children and her argument was invalid.
Yea matt doesn’t deserve love or a wife or a family ever right . Wrong he does and everyone EVERYONE deserves the same second chance equal rights and protection under the law even for registered citizens total shameful for a country that liberated a ” second rate people group” in war war 2 they were done alot of the same ways as sex offenders also none of the registry shows any statistical data proven it does any good but plenty of data to suggest it does the opposite of what it’s intended to do. You need to know the facts before you speak out that’s why the crazy laws got such sweeping legislation no real known facts were observed before hand just a bunch of fear mongering. The news has an agenda.
I agreed 100%
Plus the sister in was deceptive on
Poly Graph test.
So the accuser was found not truthful when she took a lie test. The jury was obviously swayed either due to the lack of resources of the attorney. But the prosecution was duped or wanted to win. They owe an apology to Matt and should do all they can to exonerated him!! Otherwise, they are not for truth, but for the destruction of innocent men. Yes, MEN.
I know five men that were accused of molestation. One refused to take a plea deal and in the second trial the case was dismissed with 11-1 for not guilty in a tally prior to dismissal. Prosecutors took the word of an illegal underage girl who had substantial discipline problems in her high school in Mexico. Another man had a situation when the wife/mother recanted her story after he was found guilty and in jail. He was deported. She lied. Many people I know wanted to crucify him before there was verdict. Another man was accused, who I knew, and it came out he was falsely accused. He was never found guilty. Another man I knew very well, another lie by two other women. Never charged. Finally, there was a man I knew and he was convicted, and that was true. He did molest an underage girl. So the way I look at it, the people I have been around, one in five is guilty. And four out of five cases I am familiar women lied. Viciously lied for their own gain. In these particular cases the women that lie are the ones where there is an issue in their circumstance that they wanted changed for their own selfish benefit at the expense of others lives and freedom. Evil. I listened to Matt in Dr. Phil. I believed him after I saw he had taken a lie test. Then when I went to confirm Sara was lying, because of her responses to taking a lie test, I went to this website. Sure enough Sara was evidently lying based on lie test she took. This is the problem with people today, is that they jump to conclusions. And the worst the “alleged” crime they have been charge. The quicker they are to judge. The close friend who went through hell, he did not take a plea, but instead fought through two trials and his family was drained upwards of $70K. As far as I am concerned when I hear about molestation about people I am around, my first thought is the person is more likely innocent, at least until proven guilty. I hope Matt is getting the empathy he JUSTLY deserves and the prosecutor needs to prosecute Sara for lying under oath. Matt, your state may be one that allows for lie test results. Check it out online and proceed. Do it now if the statute of limitations has not run. Check that right away.
Now that the accuser was found to be a lair. Common sense dictates that he is innocent. He passed, she failed. If I was Matt I would sue everyone involved in his accusation. To say “ even if he is innocent… “ is the most unreasonable thing I have heard in a long time.
Totally agree. It’s honestly SCARY how many innocent people are accused and convicted of crimes… and it has an unbelievable and lasting impact on their lives. Frequently the damage can never be repaired. I’m pretty terrified of the unfairness and ineptitude of our legal system
Ii totally agree! The show was more about her and others stupidity when subjecting their innocent children to people they are obsessed with. I hope the grandma got custody!00
This man is more than likely innocent, and his life is ruined by a liar.. Bc the system is biased against women. I am a woman, and I know that I would be believed if I brought charges against a man, if I were a minor. This is a shame and an abuse of the justice system.
I believe in your comment you meant the courts are biased in favor of women a lot of men have been convicted on accusations only. If you meant against women I will bet you still do not want to be in the position of the black man bias. And this is where I truly disagree with the use of justice system when it is clearly a Judicial or judgment system to no justice can be found.