Ft Lauderdale Shooter confused with Sex Offender

Last week’s shooting at Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, but it could have become a bigger tragedy for our cause when the shooter, Esteban Santiago, was “outed” as a Florida Registered Sex Offender.

Only he was not…

Seems someone on the Florida registry shares the same name as the shooter and that caused a bunch of news outlets and social media to jump the gun and claim the shooter was a sex offender. You can imagine what comments poured in…

Turns out; the shooter was not on the registry. The shooter was not a sex offender. The media got it wrong. Not the first time.


One thought on “Ft Lauderdale Shooter confused with Sex Offender

  • January 24, 2017

    And why isn’t the media being held responsible for their actions?


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