The Dobbs Wire: Pushback against fear-mongering — 'stranger danger'
As 2016 winds down, a Los Angeles city councilman has a proposal concerning parks in that city. The Los Angeles Times editorial board takes a swing at it. And so does the indomitable Lenore Skenazy of Free Range Kids, with a New York perspective.  Have a look!  –Bill Dobbs Â
Los Angeles Times | Dec. 27, 2016
EDITORIAL: Los Angeles’s proposed ban on single adults near playgrounds is fear-based policy making at its worst
By The Times Editorial Board
Excerpts: In an attempt to make Los Angeles parks seem super safe, City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell has proposed barring adults unaccompanied by children from entering playgrounds. It’s an effort, he said, to keep city parks “free of creepy activity.” It would bar any adult from sitting on a bench, exercising or otherwise enjoying public space near playground unless he or she brought a child along.
O’Farrell argues that we can’t assume every adult who wanders into a children’s play area is benign. But why should the city assume that every adult without a child is a pedophile? That makes a childless adult a criminal just for being in a particular public space, which is an overreach that can lead to foolish enforcement — like ticketing people for sitting on a bench eating donuts. Surely there are smarter ways to deal with legitimate problems in public parks. MORE:
Free Range Kids | Dec. 28, 2016
Bill Would Ban Adults Without Kids from Playgrounds
By Lenore Skenazy
A City Councilman in Los Angeles, Mitch O’Farrell, has proposed a bill to keep playgrounds “free of creepy activity” by not allowing anyone unaccompanied by kids to enter one. Shamefully, that is already the rule here in my burg, New York City. This has led to the arrest of two women who dared to eat donuts on a playground bench in Brooklyn…
Kudos, then, to the Los Angeles Times for objecting to this grandstanding law. O’Farrell argues that we can’t assume every adult who wanders into a children’s play area is benign. But why should the city assume that every adult without a child is a pedophile? Why indeed?
Because we have been that taught worst-first thinking is prudent and wise…And we simply cannot stop fixating on stranger danger, even though the vast, vast majority of child abuse is at the hands of someone the child knows and the family trusts. Not someone eating donuts on the playground park bench.  MORE:
There are just no words….I am torn in some ways. Although this is absolutely horrifying it may also be something that brings to light to shameful way our country is beginning to base laws on emotion and not facts. Sometimes it takes the masses to be vilified in order for them to see the light. Remember “… and then they came for me…” One thing that always causes a knee-jerk reaction for me though is the use of the word pedophile. It has become a word used as being interchangeable with child abuser and that is just not true. Pedophile does not equal child molester and likewise child molester does not equal pedophile. Although highly unacceptable in our society a pedophile is a clinical description for someone whose sexual preference and attraction is based on pre-pubescent children. Many true pedophiles never act on those desires. Likewise, most child molesters are not true pedophiles but instead people who commit their crime triggered by other life conditions or opportunities. In many ways, this misuse of the word pedophile is similar to back in the day when there was a belief that all homosexuals were also child molesters. I love, love, love Free Range kids but I do wish they would gently correct the users that use the word in the wrong fashion. Ok I got out my rant…
Good articles – thank you!