18 thoughts on “Must Listen: FL Rep. Randy Fine agrees some sex offenders deserve relief from registration.

  • December 28, 2016

    I found it. $547M every year for sex offender registration. Because of the laws being more restrictive and more people getting on the “list,” I fear that this will balloon closer to $1B easily..for a system that doesn’t work? That sounds like our failed war on drugs.

    • December 28, 2016

      Gene – from where do you get these stats?

  • December 28, 2016

    Why don’t they tell the truth? Let us all know how much the Federal Government gets from all of us taxpayers for the registration requirements? So far, I saw something about $3,000,000 per state as a grant. What is the Federal Government getting in order to pay out that much per state? It’s not about protecting ANYONE! It’s protecting their bankroll. The entire criminal justice system is set up this way. Criminals make the government money because we will always pay. I’m tired of paying for systems that don’t work. The more restrictions means more incarcerated. The more incarcerated, the more money. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP!

  • December 18, 2016

    i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, if we keep defending the guy who raped a 7 year old we will continue to be ignored. THAT’s what they’re so freakin scared of! I would have said, “….a 7 year old? Listen if you think you’re protecting children by putting someone who rapes 7 year olds on a LIST instead of keeping them in prison for life, you are seriously not thinking straight.” “We have the death penalty and life in prison for people who are truly dangerous, the registry is nothing but a politically charged, feel good thing that is actually doing a lot of damage to a lot of good people, especially children.

    • December 19, 2016

      I agree

    • December 20, 2016

      Actually I very rarely hear anyone defend anyone’s crime – what I hear is push back against the draconian laws –

      • December 20, 2016

        I have to agree.. We are all in this together. There is NO defense for harming someone, BUT we don’t have to put up with laws that discriminate against one group of people. By letting it happen, we open up the doorway for future politician’s to do the same or worse to the next group of people they choose to hate.


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