Florida Couple Learn Their Fates After Having Sex On The Beach

On Monday, the man convicted of having sex on a Florida beach was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

Jose Caballero and Elissa Alvarez were convicted in May of two counts of lewd and lascivious behavior after they were charged with having sex on a public beach in Bradenton, Florida, in front of several families. An onlooker videotaped them, and witnesses testified that a 3-year-old girl saw the whole thing.

Caballero maintained that he and Alvarez did not have sex, and that witnesses saw Alvarez dancing on top of Caballero and misinterpreted it; however, a graphic video of Alvarez on top of Caballero, appearing to have sex during the middle of the day, was apparently more convincing. Witnesses reportedly gave graphic testimony that corroborated the video.


One thought on “Florida Couple Learn Their Fates After Having Sex On The Beach

  • December 13, 2016

    Yet a man (or woman) can beat down another on a public beach, witnessed by many children, spend a night in jail and be released the next day. It’s all about the perception of having sex. America loves to punish people who they think are having sex. It’s all part of our Victorian past, thousands of laws were, and still are being written, which make sex illegal. This will never change until all Republicans are voted out of all public offices.


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