Call to Action: CBS12 Edits Story in Response to FAC Push Back

The turd of a news piece put out by CBS12 on Monday, entitled “Why are Sex Offenders Allowed Online?” has been edited on their site.

If you monitor our website, you probably saw this post on Monday, in which we pointed out some glaring and inflammatory lies contained in the original CBS12 report. We asked FAC members to hold CBS12 accountable for their false reporting and our members stepped up to the plate!

The reporter, Greg Angel, who amazingly learned very little about the subject he “investigated” and reported on, even responded to our president, Gail Colletta, by phone.

The result of FAC’s push back is that that the story that now appears at is remarkably different from the one that appeared Monday, which can still be found here: and a copy of which can be found here.

Aside from the clearly one-sided approach and fear-mongering tone, which still is there, compare the two versions and you will notice the significant differences.

But this isn’t good enough!

CBS12 now has a “corrected” version of the story buried in 4 day-old news. No NEW investigation, no retraction prominently featured on page 1 of their website, no apology to their readers, just a piece of s*** news story, that may have been wiped up but still left a large stain.

How does that leave the residents of Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties who read on Monday that, “more than 18,000 [sex offenders] reside in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties” when they put up a buried version Thursday that says, “There are more than 2,000 sex offenders registered in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, and Indian River counties”? Perhaps frantic?

How does that leave the registered citizens of Florida who read Monday about their “new” requirements, when, in fact, the changes were enjoined by a Federal judge? Perhaps confused?

How is that responsible journalism? How is that “investigative reporting”? It’s not.

So here’s part 2 of our CALL TO ACTION… invite CBS12 to do another story. This time presenting BOTH sides of the issue and including interviews from experts in the field. If they are not interested, let’s afford that same opportunity to other news stations in the West Palm Beach and surrounding areas, sharing both the original and edited version of CBS12’s report.

Tell CBS12 that Ethics in Journalism still matter!

4 thoughts on “Call to Action: CBS12 Edits Story in Response to FAC Push Back

  • November 19, 2016

    No work, no vote, no friends, no relationships, can’t move, can’t travel, opinion disabled. Couldn’t help a stray cat.

  • November 17, 2016

    If you want to get an investigation done and help then contact
    Janine Reyes | Reporter
    Cox Media Group | 490 E. South Street | Orlando, Florida 32801
    Ph: (407) 822-8355 | Cell: (407) 516-3212 | Twitter: @JReyesWFTV
    She check on the misuse of power during Halloween when another article claimed the law enforcement can check all sex offenders. Only those on probation or parole were supposed to be checked on not every SO.

  • November 17, 2016

    NOT GOOD ENOUGH, FAC needs to write the Parent company exposing the ineptness if the reporter and General Management. THE DAMAGE IS DONE! Editing a story already published in print, web and god knows where else is something nobody can undo. Make damn sure CBS or whomever owns the Staion is informed of this tragic story that could lead to vigilantism and does not help anybody.

    • November 18, 2016

      No such thing as “FAC needs to…”
      Ask not what FAC needs to do for you, but what you can do for FAC…


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