Wait… did she really just say this?

This was the Halloween message on the Lauren’s Kids Facebook Page:

Laurens Kids Halloween

It’s surprisingly refreshing to hear a member of the Book family acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of abuse does not come from a stranger (note, we add… much less a stranger on the registry).

Could it be the millions of dollars spent villainizing “sex offenders” for the rest of their life would be better spent in educational programs?





4 thoughts on “Wait… did she really just say this?

  • October 27, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    At least here in Florida I cannot recall a single abduction of a child on Halloween since Megans Law went into effect. The fact is children are going door to door with their parents. Halloween is the last night a total stranger would ever attempt such a heinous act. Its the friends of the family, the crazy uncle etc that cops need to watch, not us!

  • October 27, 2016 at 6:40 pm

    She’s an idiot. Her little spoiled rotten brat self got abused, and wanted daddy warbucks to make everyone else pay for her pain and suffering. What a sham! Why not just spend all your money making sure that nanny’s life was miserable for the rest of her life. Why exploit your power and money as a lobbyist, causing pain and suffering for everyone else?? But there you have it, out of her own mouth. So if that’s the case, then why all the stupid ordinances against us for Halloween?? Like it has been stated several times, I have NEVER seen one story EVER about a child being abducted or sexually abused on Halloween…..EVER.

  • October 28, 2016 at 11:33 am

    wow are we sure she posted that? LOL Maybe her account was hacked!!

  • November 3, 2016 at 11:14 am

    Mainstream media creates most of the panic on Halloween, backed by law enforcement, who know they are needlessly spreading fear. Back in the day, kids went trick-or-treating without parents. The only real worries then are the same as now, getting hit by a car, bitten by a dog, or robbed of your candy by a bigger kid; not being assaulted by a registered sex offender. Registered means compliance with laws, no matter how stupid. It’s the unregistered who pose a much bigger threat, because they are unaware of the hell that living on the register is.


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