Halloween Articles

From: http://restoringintegritytovirginiaregistry.blogspot.com/


Over the years of advocating for data-driven laws and reform here I’ve learned the worst time of year for Myth-Based and Hysteria-Driven articles, policies and laws is Halloween. Halloween can be more emotionally draining than the annual Virginia General Assembly in Richmond.

So over the years I’ve also gathered all the sane and research-based articles and studies to send to local reporters when they produce a sensationalized article or video segment.


Today I’m sharing these links (see below, oldest to newest) with you so in case you some how thought Halloween is a dangerous day for Registered Sex Offenders to be in our communities, you’ll now know that it’s all been propaganda. Policies and laws should be based on facts not urban legend.


I’m hoping over the next 3 weeks there will be some new articles written that I can add to my list, so keep checking back on this post for newer publications.

Past posts of articles on Halloween and Registered Sex Offenders:


Studies on Halloween and Registered Sex Offenders:

6 thoughts on “Halloween Articles

  • October 14, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    I went to re register yesterday and to my surprise they didn’t have me sign the paper about the Halloween sign to be posted on door? I’m wondering if duval county will be enforcing this? Anyone know?

    • October 18, 2016 at 8:57 pm

      I’m sure they will be enforcing it. As I stated in an earlier post:
      I recently re-registered and surprisingly, there was no mention of Helloween. I suppose I will get a personal visit for that to sign the acknowledgement, as I have signed since 2010. 🙁

      The way the entire ordinance reads, to me at least, is that if I am not going to be home on Helloween, I don’t have to put the sign in my yard. Anyone agree or disagree?

      • October 19, 2016 at 7:41 pm

        Idk if the sign has to be up if your not home? But if we don’t sign the paper I don’t see where we have to put sign up?

  • October 20, 2016 at 11:17 am

    My County (Orange) did not come around last year and they won’t this year as well. Officials are starting to wake up to the fact probably the last day a child may be abused is Halloween being the fact the parents are waiting in the car or on your doorstep. But the media always makes a point of leading with a story of “Don’t go near our Houses” Best is to shut off your lights, go to bed early.. and don’t answer the door.

  • October 21, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    For one thing I think many of the LE depts are starting to realize that most of the “rules” only apply to those on probation (unless your county has an ordinance)

  • October 24, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    As an update – my son just got his visit (Seminole county). Once again they had the same old tired list of crap that only applies to those on probation. It makes me so angry. It is so lazy and disrespectful! Lazy because it is easier to make these folks think that these rules apply to them than to actually let them know which ones do and which one don’t. As I found out last year the LE does not even know the contents of the statute!!!! They argued with me and I read it directly to them while on the phone – did it make a difference – NO because here we are again! He did not have to sign but the message was clear – and wrong! Thanks for the rant lol


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