GEO Group hires more lobbyists

Boca Raton, FL based private prison company, GEO Group has hired additional lobbyists to work in Washington.

The company which has contracts with State and Federal prison systems to operate facilities is also the subject of a recent class action lawsuit brought by it’s shareholders, who blame the company’s stock decline on, among other thing, failing to disclose that facilities operated by them were less safe and less successful than those operated by the BOP.

GEO Group is a public company with an objective to maximize profits. They accomplish this by lobbying the government to lock up more people, for longer periods of time and then by providing incarceration services at a lower cost than the government would be able to do on their own.

Sadly, to accomplish this they cut corners when it comes to safety and human needs and, based on the allegations of those suing the company, the federal government has recognized this.

Interestingly, the GEO Group operates Florida’s Civil Commitment Center, where sex offenders are held indefinitely.  Equally interesting, according to campaign finance records, the GEO Group donated $3 million to the Republican Party of Florida and $200,000 to Scott’s political committee and $65,000 to Lauren Book’s unopposed run for the State Senate. Most interestingly, Ron Book is one of the principal lobbyists for the GEO Group.

4 thoughts on “GEO Group hires more lobbyists

  • October 13, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    just to show you it,s all about the money.

  • October 13, 2016 at 7:16 pm

    This is a classic example of why things aren’t going to get any better. Politicians and big corporations like GEO are just too rich and too powerful for us to overcome and stop. As long as those two are in bed together, things will just get scarier not just for RC’s and SO’s but all felons and those who are yet to be felons. Like the article said, GEO lobbies for more laws to be passed that more people will break and that will ensure that those prison beds get filled. It’s a vicious cycle that will not be broken. Why would judges, lawyers, and politicians go against this?? It keeps their wallets full too. Just goes to show that there is an elitist class of people who want nothing more than to constantly screw over the “little people” like you and I while serving nothing but their best interest. And we actually think that by playing their game and fighting back according to their game and their rules, that things are going to get better for us. We are the ones that are disillusioned if we think that’s going to happen. Like I say all the time, our forefathers had a solution for tyranny like this. It was called bayonets, rifles, and armed revolution. But if you talk about going to that extent, you’re labeled an extremist, crazy person, or conspiracy theorist. The Jews in 1930’s Germany probably thought the government would never go to such an extreme on them, and before they knew it, they were on a train to nowhere. Get used to it people, they won’t stop until everyone they want behind bars, is there. All in the name of corporate profits.

  • October 14, 2016 at 11:48 pm

    Somebody say Halorburton? Chaney’s Wine and Roses!


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