FAC Petitions Governor Scott to "Clean Up the Registry"


For Immediate Release

September 30, 2016

Contact: Gail Colletta



LAKE MONROE, FLORIDA – September 30, 2016

The Florida Action Committee (FAC) sent a petition to Florida Governor Rick Scott today, asking him to clean up the registry.

The Florida’s Sex Offender Registry contains over sixty-nine thousand names! Most of the names on the list are not even living in Florida communities! Intended to be a tool (and not punishment) for those in the community to be aware of the ‘ones to watch out for’ among them, how can it be effective when it’s diluted with more images and listings of people who are not there to watch out for than are?

That is just one of the points FAC makes to our legislature each session.

Public perception is that the list is comprised of the worst of the worst. Parents are scared when they discover all the “red dots” in their neighborhood.

The fact, however, is that the registry is bloated with people who don’t belong there, such as juveniles, first-time non-contact offenders, people whose offenses were decades ago and have not offended since and yes, people who are not even there!

To start with; our state needs to clean up the registry and the first step is to remove those who are not in the community.

We’ve come to expect that the legislature won’t look at facts and consider empirical evidence when there are huge federal financial incentives (like this one) not to. But residents of Florida, if they are actually concerned about public safety, should know the truth!

You can view a copy of the petition (signatures and signature pages redacted) by clicking here.

11 thoughts on “FAC Petitions Governor Scott to "Clean Up the Registry"

  • September 30, 2016 at 8:45 pm

    i wish my name was on that petition because I have been trying to get myself off this registry. I am very concern for me and my family well being. just wished you can get through to Mr. Scott. People included myself deserve a second chance and not be posted all over .

    • October 1, 2016 at 1:16 pm

      Let’s not confuse ourselves into thinking Governor Scott is going to do something.

      Our Sex Offender Civil Commitment Center is run by Geo Group, a FOR PROFIT private prison company. the CEO of Geo Group threw a huge fundraiser for Governor Scott before the election.

      Publicizing this petition will bring attention to our cause, educate the public and that will hopefully bring about some change. If anyone has the opportunity, forward it to your local media.

  • October 1, 2016 at 4:15 am

    Less people on the registry would make it harder on the people who are on it and stuck with it. It would be better if the registry was abolished rather than smaller.

    • October 1, 2016 at 1:12 pm

      Naturally, that’s what we’re working towards, but baby steps are what we are trying to make.

  • October 1, 2016 at 9:40 am

    When Hillary wins we can take the fight to her at the Federal Level since her husband signed into law Megans Act and called us all Second Class Citizens. Scott won’t do anything.. he is a neocon. On the point Registrants not living here, if you got busted in Florida you will be on Florida’s list forever.. although the Jurisdiction changes once you move to another State. Thanks Larry N. National Reform Attorney.

  • October 1, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    Pennsylvania., where the Constitution of the United States Written and Signed. Florida, where the Constitution of the United States Ignored and Destroyed.

  • October 5, 2016 at 5:17 pm

    I am always thankful for all you do. That’s why I began supporting FAC shortly after I became aware of it. You are brave and I am glad to be even a small part of your work. I, also, enjoyed the Atlanta convention.


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