Reporting Internet Identifiers

We’ve received a tremendous amount of member inquiries regarding the new Internet Identifier requirements that go into effect Saturday.

There was a hearing on a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining the Internet Identifier provisions of the Sex Offender Registration Law. The Motion was heard and the Judge will hopefully be rendering an opinion soon. Until an order has been issued enjoining anything, the law remains in effect and unless we hear back before Saturday, the changes will take effect.

Please be assured that we will post any news, including the order, on our website as soon as it is issued. We will also circulate an update via email to all our members. To ensure you are set up to receive these updates from us, please contact If you’ve been receiving our weekly updates you are already on our mailing list and do not need to contact us.

Members are also inquiring about the requirement to notify probation of Internet Identifiers prior to use. Under the revised statute taking effect this Saturday, this is a part of the law. It states, “A sexual offender shall register all electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers with the department through the department’s online system or in person at the sheriff’s office before using such electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers. If the sexual offender is in the custody or control, or under the supervision, of the Department of Corrections, he or she must report all electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers to the Department of Corrections before using such electronic mail addresses or Internet identifiers. If the sexual offender is in the custody or control, or under the supervision, of the Department of Juvenile Justice, he or she must report all electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers to the Department of Juvenile Justice before using such electronic mail addresses or Internet identifiers.”

FAC has no information as to how you are supposed to notify your probation officer before using an internet identifier. If you are on probation, you should be contacting your PO for information on how to report this information and with October 1st falling on a Saturday, you might want to square that away sooner than later.

Again, as soon as the order comes out on our motion we will notify you.


5 thoughts on “Reporting Internet Identifiers

  • September 26, 2016 at 3:24 pm

    And I’m sure the Probation Officers and Department of Probation is just as confused. Use FAC Advise! Don’t use sny chat, email or social networking until your PO knows about it first.

  • September 27, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Regarding the internet identifiers and url law does this mean every website you visit has to be reported? Even something as simple as FPL? Thanks

    • September 27, 2016 at 4:28 pm

      Read the update on this.

  • November 3, 2016 at 8:42 am

    Hi All – I am looking for the post where the Temporary Restraining Order was granted and the link to the judges decision? I cannot seem to find it….


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