If you've received a notice from FDLE…

Many people are writing or calling to let us know that they received an email notification from FDLE about the new requirements coming into effect.

Please know that this notice was sent to all registrants, not you individually and concern the recently enacted enhancements to the registration requirements that have been discussed extensively on our site.

If you would like information, please search our site for recent articles on “Internet Identifier”.

Please also know that there is a pending challenge to the Internet Identifier provisions and a hearing requesting the government be enjoined (stopped) from enforcing the law. A hearing on this case is taking place tomorrow and we will update on the outcome.

20 thoughts on “If you've received a notice from FDLE…

  • September 22, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    More Punitive Post Ex-Facto Punishment. Enacted to Ensure Ruined Livelihood and Banishment.

  • September 22, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    FDLE does not use email to contact registrants. They will mail you a form to fill out if more information is reauired. The internet Identifiers FDLE webpage for registrants has not changed. The FDLE has never emailed me unless I required information from them first. Not sure exactly what these so called emails are. Can you post an example please?

    • September 22, 2016 at 4:36 pm

      The FDLE absolutely does use email to contact registrants. The emails are not “so called” and I have copied and pasted the content below for your reference.

      Attached is a courtesy notice summarizing changes to Florida Registration laws effective October 1, 2016.
      Please review carefully and contact your local Florida Sheriff’s Office for information regarding updating your registration information.

      Please note on the attached notice that some of your registration information requirements must now be reported within 48 hours of any change in that information. If you are NOT under supervision, you now have the option of reporting this information either conveniently online through FDLE’s Cyber Communication System (CCS), or in-person at your local sheriff’s office (if you are on supervision with either the Florida Department of Corrections or the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice you must report this registration information to your probation officer). If you are residing in Florida, you are still required to report in-person to the Sheriff’s Office for reregistration, either twice or four times per year as you have before; this reregistration requirement has NOT changed.

      The Florida Registration Laws effective October 1, 2016, may be reviewed in full via the links below.
      Sexual Predators
      Sexual Offenders

      You may contact the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Missing Persons & Offender Registration at sexpred@fdle.state.fl.us or 1-888-357-7332.

      • September 23, 2016 at 10:22 pm

        It seems your post is incomplete. Let me try to copy what I received and paste it here:

        PHONE NUMBERS – must be reported within 48 hours of any change.
        EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION – must be reported within 48 hours of any change.
        If you are NOT on supervision with the Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), changes to Phone Numbers and Employment Information can be reported online through the Cyber Communication System (CCS) OR in-person at the sheriff’s office.
         If you are on supervision with DOC or DJJ, you MUST report this information to your probation officer.

         Internet Identifiers are used for internet communication through:
        o Email,
        o Chat,
        o Instant Message,
        o Social Networking,
        o Social Gaming, OR
        o Other Similar Programs
         You MUST report all of your Internet Identifiers PRIOR to using them:
        o All Usernames, Logins, Screen Names, and Screen Identifiers together with the associated Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) or Application Software (Apps) for each.
        o All URLs or Apps used for anonymous communication.
         Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)—the website addresses for the sites you use for internet communication including the home page or log in page for such sites. The URL for each web page of a website does NOT need to be reported.
        For example, if you report https://www.facebook.com you would not also have to report https://www.facebook.com/directory/ or https://www.facebook.com/games/.
         Software Application (Apps) – the programs used for internet communication on your phone, tablet, or computer such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Kik, etc.
         Internet identifier does not include a URL or App used for utility, banking, retail, or medical purposes.
         Internet identifier does not include a date of birth, Social Security number, or personal identification number (PIN) ** .
        If you are NOT on supervision with the Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), changes to Internet Identifiers and Email Addresses can be reported online through the Cyber Communication System (CCS) OR in-person at the sheriff’s office.
         If you are on supervision with DOC or DJJ, you MUST report this information to your probation officer.
        **Voluntary disclosure by a sexual predator or sexual offender of his or her date of birth, Social Security number, or PIN as an Internet identifier waives the disclosure exemption for such personal information.

        • Do you plan to travel outside of the United States for 5 or more days? If so, you must report in-person to the Sheriff’s Office at least
        21 days prior to your departure date.
        • If an emergency international travel situation comes up, you MUST report in person to the sheriff’s office as soon as possible before departure.
        • You MUST provide travel itinerary information, including:
        o Your expected departure and return dates, Flight number, Airport, and/or Cruise port of departure, AND/OR,
        o Any other means of intended international travel.

        1. Visit the website at https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/ccs
        2. Use your User Name and Password to login.
        a. You can get your User Name from the Sheriff’s Office or FDLE at 888-357-7332.
        b. If you forgot your password, call FDLE at 888-357-7332 to reset it.
        3. Now you can update some of your required information such as:
        a. Internet Identifiers – must be reported prior to use.
        b. Email Addresses – must be reported prior to use.
        c. Employment Information – must be reported within 48 hours of any change.
        4. As of October 1, 2016, you will also be able to report the following through CCS:
        a. Phone Numbers – must be reported within 48 hours of any change.
        b. Campus Information – change in status of enrollment or employment, whether as a volunteer or for compensation, must be reported within 48 hours of any change.
        If you are NOT on supervision with the Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), changes to
        Internet Identifiers, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, Employment Information, and Campus Information can be reported online
        through the Cyber Communication System (CCS) OR in-person at the sheriff’s office.
         If you are on supervision with DOC or DJJ, you MUST report this information to your probation officer.

    • September 23, 2016 at 10:28 am

      The email is generic, not addressed specifically to Registrant. If you attempt to reply it states NOT ALLOWED in the system. If there is no direct communications between Registrant and FDLE, they cannot prove “you have been advised and warned” of the updated Statute.

    • September 23, 2016 at 5:13 pm

      JV your completely wrong and uninformed. YES the FDLE does use E-mail, I received one from them and verified it by calling them directly. You must educate yourself so you know what is in store for you.

      • September 23, 2016 at 10:58 pm

        Thanks, now im updated and have all info needed to remain compliant. Best, jv

  • September 23, 2016 at 1:26 am

    this will make me homeless i i will go to 100’s of websites a week, posting coupons for our products and searching for inventory, etc… what about chat rooms that are embedded into a web page but the chat function is actually hosted on another server/business how will someone possibly know the internet address for that? example if there was a chat room on fcats page and it is just code but the chat server is actually a different internet address how would one know?. this is about shutting people that are making a living being self employed down and making them homeless

    • September 23, 2016 at 10:26 pm

      Randy, this pertains to your current activity:

      “Internet identifier does not include a URL or App used for utility, banking, retail, or medical purposes.”

      • September 25, 2016 at 4:26 am

        so if i have website about my service business that would be excluded? and selling and buying on ebay and amazon
        and i guess me going to verious websites to post coupons or look for items to resale would also be excluded. humm it is all so confusing i don’t understand


    • September 29, 2016 at 10:10 am

      Randy this is for you. When they say you have to register your internet identifiers it by LAW only means that you have to just register your email addresses that you have set up or that was given to you through getting a cell phone. In Jacksonville, Fl. to call it out, the FDLE here has a sex offender register just their email addresses, vehicles, spouse’s vehicles, cell phone numbers, and employment if they are on or off probation. I have called our local registration office here to make sure I have correct info for people. Hope this is helpful.

      • September 29, 2016 at 11:05 am

        Kim – if you give advise, please cite the law you are referring to and your authority for giving such advise. To our knowledge it is NOT limited to just email addresses and

        775.21(2)(i) (now j) states, ““Internet identifier” means all electronic mail, chat, instant messenger, social networking, application software, or similar names used for Internet communication, but does not include a date of birth, social security number, or personal identification number (PIN). Voluntary disclosure by a sexual predator of his or her date of birth, social security number, or PIN as an Internet identifier waives the disclosure exemption in this paragraph for such personal information.”

  • September 23, 2016 at 9:42 am

    Yes, I did receive a notification. I did not realize that our phone numbers and cell phones also have to be reported. And employment after 48 hours. This is all crazy! And now of all things any International travel. When does this end?

    • September 23, 2016 at 9:47 am

      John, It doesn’t unless we start fighting back. Hence the lawsuits.

    • September 29, 2016 at 10:03 am

      If you are on probation it never ends, if you are no longer on probation it still never ends cause they come up with more laws to make even those off probation have to abide by which is stupid if you ask me.

  • September 23, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    Update, received same FDLE Letter in Mailbox today. Giant bold heading ATTENTION SEX OFFENDERS AND PREDATORS. No discretion whatsoever. It wss addressed to me. Now they can say we all knew of the changes in the law. Its not specific to your case. Everyone must identify their internet use.

  • September 24, 2016 at 5:53 am

    By the way, I also just received a flyer in the mail from FDLE, stating the same information that was in the E-mail.

  • September 26, 2016 at 7:14 am

    Questions? I know that when my son was first adjudicated he did not have to give email addresses etc. But not too long after that he did have to start. Now they are adding to that law correct? But when did the original internet identifier law happen?

    • September 26, 2016 at 7:29 am

      if you exclude emails “internet identifiers” had a big push in 2014


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