Does Florida Need Another Registry?

If you were about to hire a dog walker or pet sitter, you’d want to know if the person had a history of animal abuse, right?

The County of Hillsborough knows you do! That’s why this November, Hillsborough will be launching it’s animal abuser registry. According to this Washington Post article, “Law enforcement officials will, at least in theory, be able to keep tabs on offenders’ whereabouts.”

Kevin Beckner, the Hillsborough County commissioner who pushed for the registry, said in a statement. “This Registry not only protects animals, but it can identify — and maybe even prevent — violence against humans, too.”

Hmmm… Interesting! But wait…

If you were about to let the parent of your child’s friend carpool them to the movies, you’d want to know if the person had a history of drinking and driving, right? Where’s our DUI registry?

Or, if you were about to go on a date, you’d want to know if the person had a history of domestic violence or assault, wouldn’t you? Where’s our domestic abuser registry?

How about the guy about to valet your car? If you left change in your ashtray you’ll need to know if he has a petty theft, shoplifting or worse; auto theft charge! We need a registry for that one as well.

Anyone interacting with our family members could potentially be pushing drugs, so if you got caught with weed in college, there should be a registry for you too!

What else… oh… how about murder?!? That’s probably an important registry to have too!

In fact, why don’t we take the one act in a person’s life that they regret the most and put them on a public list under that label no matter the circumstances?

The most insightful part of the article was a quote from the president of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who said, “There are different degrees of abuse. There are offenders who intentionally kill or torture animals, or who are engaged in dogfighting. On the other end of the spectrum, there are pet owners who have an inadequate doghouse. We wouldn’t want to paint both types of offenders with the same brush.”

NOOOO!!!! We wouldn’t want to do that!!!

How about twenty years from now when that guy with the crappy dog house tries to find a job or a house that’s within 2,500 of a pet store or dog park, but can’t because Tampa will inevitably pass an ordinance? What will they say to that dilemma? “If it saves one cat…”?

6 thoughts on “Does Florida Need Another Registry?

  • September 14, 2016 at 10:45 am

    Registries – they may not have called them that at that time, but the truth is, the Nazi’s did it to the Jews in Germany, the Americans did it to Japanese-Americans during WWII, and there are many more instances throughout history. Registries don’t work, they never have and they never will! If you take the labels off of every can in the grocery store, you won’t know what’s inside each can until you open it. Each individual in the human race is different, and until you get to know someone personally, you don’t know them – there is no exception to that rule! There is always more to the story than what meets the eye. Lawmakers in Florida need to do something more productive than label their constituents, those people they have taken an oath promising to represent equally and fairly (what a joke!)

  • September 14, 2016 at 1:08 pm

    This is great news! The more registries the more people who will fight against the legality of them. The more crap that people have to search through. Next – The right to be forgotten just like the UK

  • September 14, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Going after people. Cutting off the support network and isolate the individual.

  • September 16, 2016 at 6:36 am

    if a particular candidate wins the White House we will see more of this I guarantee it – he labels everyone and all groups constantly

  • September 16, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    eah, let’s just have one each for every crime/ erred way…. Better yet, let’s just have one giant one and ruin everyone’s life, and for those narrow-minded, holier-than-now people, I’m being facetious. Wake up,

  • September 20, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    The registering of Americans has already begun!
    SCORE BOARD: Of spins offs from the S.O.R
    Tenn.has a cruelty to animal registry/Utah has financial fraud/Illinois has a murderer-harm to a minor registry/NY has a terrorists registry/Ca.has an arsonist- drug seller-drug user-kidnappers registry, North Dakiota has DUI – drunk registry,-20 more registries are the works


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