St John's County Teacher gets one year for sex with student

Another example where if you’re a reasonably attractive female teacher, you can apparently have sex with a student and get a light sentence.

Yesterday, reported a teacher who had sex with an underage student will get less than a year in jail!

Now if they had videotaped it and someone had gotten a hold of the video and watched it on the internet, they would be serving a five year mandatory minimum. But the actual molestation by a person in authority… less than a year.

Oh, and I’m sure if it were a male teacher with a female student they’d have gotten 30 years.

7 thoughts on “St John's County Teacher gets one year for sex with student

  • September 9, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    And it appears she don’t have to register a s a sex offender. I merely saw a topless photo of a 17 year old and I’m screwed for like she had sex with a minor and basically walks free. Gets a charge that can be expunged. This world is screwed. I thought there was a minimum charge for teachers or persons of authority?? Guess Nott

    • September 9, 2016 at 10:13 pm

      No there isn’t any mandatory sentence for positions of authority. That too would be bias judgment.

  • September 9, 2016 at 7:49 pm

    A closer reading of the article:

    Upon her release Younce will be required to register as a sex offender and will spend five years on probation with sex offender conditions.

  • September 9, 2016 at 8:06 pm

    Teacher in California had sex with three different minors not required to register. Knowing the Banishment and stigma it includes. Younce from Florida registration punishment included. Which means she has no idea form now, after her probation completed ,what that will intell.

  • September 9, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    I was arrested in a sting in St Johns County in 2011. I was a male teacher. I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE A FREAKIN’ VICTIM and they gave me 3 YEARS IN PRISON AND 7 YEARS PROBATION!!! The judge and my lawyers had agreed on a plea deal. The judge was female at the time. 2 weeks before my sentencing, she reneged on the plea deal and said she didn’t think she could go through with it because I was a teacher. So just like that, she could’ve changed the plea deal just on her whim. But she had to recuse herself because she was working on a death penalty case and thank goodness, a substitute judge took my case and granted the original plea deal. But yes, think they’re isn’t any bias here??? Good ole’ Florida. Gotta love this freakin state!

  • September 14, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    Why the hate. She made national news. She can’t lay low. She also has to register and live under the same conditions as many of us. Instead of complaining about how life isn’t fair. Go out and make a life for yourself. Do everything you can do to succeed and change the stigma that you attached to your name.


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