Missing child NOT found with sex offender.

A 10 year old girl who was abducted in Ft. Myers, Florida was found… NOT with a sex offender!

The child, who was found in the woods with a homeless man, was molested, but the abductor was NOT a sex offender. That didn’t stop FOX4 news from broadcasting the number of registered citizens living near the crime scene or showing screenshots of the registry during their news story. Why?

The perpetrator was NOT on the registry! Checking the list would have done nothing. Further embarrassing those in the screenshots who had NOTHING to do with the crime does nothing (other than shame the registered citizens and their families).

This abduction is an absolute tragedy and our hearts go out to the girl who was molested, but it’s time the world recognizes the facts and that is that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of those who commit sex offenses are NOT ON THE REGISTRY!!!


If anyone wants to correct this reporter, you can write to Deborah.Souverain@fox4now.com


One thought on “Missing child NOT found with sex offender.

  • September 6, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    In order to keep in step with the total dismantling of the Contitution law makers should pass. No man over 18 allowed where children congregate. Then otherwise productive men in the United States can be unemployed, in poverty, ward’s of the State


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