IL: Blind Sex Offender convicted of violating Halloween Ordinance

In South Roxana, IL a Blind man was arrested for violating their Halloween Ordinance because he was present when his step-daughter was handing out candy on Halloween.

What’s more disturbing than a blind man being arrested for being in the house when a family member was participating in the holiday (he’s blind – he couldn’t even see the children) or that this law exists in the first place, is the fact that the news reported that, “Police said they had set up surveillance and performed compliance checks on registered sex offenders’ homes during the Halloween period.”


2 thoughts on “IL: Blind Sex Offender convicted of violating Halloween Ordinance

  • August 21, 2016 at 8:19 am

    By only pushing against a problem therby ignoring the solution we’ve created a Registry scheme which itself is a Sex Crime. By its very presence it multiples victims by the millions, destroys families and serves only to feed the Polictician’s greedy obsession for attention and power. Our unconscionable, deeply flawed resposne to sexual abuse is a black, infected sore on the face of Justice. We’ve only begun to realize the intense and immense destruction it has inflicted on the American Family. The sex offender registry has succeeded at inflicting the same indescriable pain and level of tragedy on millions of families that once only affected a very tiny few. The Registry has always been about revenge – the darkest most evil of human emotion, isn’t that right Mrs. Kanka?


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