FAC to exhibit at NACDL Annual Conference

The Florida Action Committee will be an exhibitor at the 2016 Annual Conference of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

The NACDL is the preeminent organization in the United States advancing the mission of the nation’s criminal defense lawyers to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime or other misconduct. A professional bar association founded in 1958, NACDL’s approximately 9,200 direct members in 28 countries – and 90 state, provincial and local affiliate organizations totaling up to 40,000 attorneys — include private criminal defense lawyers, public defenders, active U.S. military defense counsel, law professors and judges committed to preserving fairness within America’s criminal justice system.

FAC is one of a handful of entities that will be exhibiting during the conference later this week. Two members of our Board of Directors will be exhibiting and we will be distributing handouts and sharing information about our mission with hundreds of criminal defense attorneys from Florida and throughout the US.

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