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Join the FAC Legislative Committee
Dear Concerned Citizen,
I am looking forward to mobilizing a very active group here in Florida and hope you will be a part of it. The way we can make a difference is to use our voices. The legislators will listen when we stand together, and they see our numbers. If you are ready to be part of the Legislative Team, contact jennifer@floridaactioncommittee.org or call (833) 2-REPEAL [833-273-7325] Option 1. We meet the 2nd Wednesday @ 8PM every month and weekly during the Florida Legislative session.
Warm Regards,
Florida Action Committee
Legislative Chair
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Florida Action Committee Bill Tracking
FAC has been tracking and working to change or stop national, state, and local bills and ordinances since its inception. As the years passed, our organized efforts have improved. Around 2019 we began systematically tracking and reacting to bills at the state level. This years activity is listed below. Previous year’s activity is listed below Archives.
State Bills
2024 Florida Bills – Final
What you Need to Know
FAC Member Code of Conduct
How to Communicate With Your Elected Official
How to Find Your Legislator
How to Start with an “I BELIEVE” Letter
How an idea creates a Bill that becomes a Law
Florida Sex Offender Registry Legislation History
Linear chart of requirements added to the registry over the years
Calls to Action
Although we have no indexed list of the actions led by FAC, you can see most of them by searching the FAC website for calls to action posts.
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