Overcoming Hostility

True Confessions –
From a RSO POV


“In this segment, I will attempt to answer and advise the overwhelming Hostility aimed at the RSO.” The first question is; Is it possible to overcome? I say yes! Society has painted a bleak picture of those convicted of Sex Crimes. Society has decided that the best thing to do is marked them all for life. And make darn sure our kids are safe from these monsters lurking on every street corner. Now the reality.

The majority of Sexual Offense conviction’s are Non Violent and No Touch crimes. They are felonies of lesser and third degree. Usually this type of conviction receive reduced sentences and the majority require no Jail time. So in fact these Monsters that are lurking about are actually Juveniles and or Men and Women with families that got busted for sexting, possession and other serious but non violent in nature offenses. Now being lumped all together with the most dangerous Sexual Predator, we become a group that is likened to a Violent Rapist or Mass Murderer. Can we possibly stop the aggression and the hate toward us?

Most RSO’s are living in a shell, afraid to come out and tell the world about their cases and most importantly take action to Reform these insane laws. The more restrictions, the more the Hostility arise against us. We end up to become elusive loners with no friends and family support. We tend to feel the entire World does not want us to live out our lives post release as a Free person should. We are bound by more Laws that restrict where we reside, where we can go, what we can do. The Hostile nature of Societal thinking is damning us all to a life of utter misery. You know these are the facts, as a non Registered Sex Offender can never know the feeling of being in our shoes.

So what can we do to change all of this? My recommendation continues to be deep therapy. Many of us already had the courts rule for ourselves to receive mental health counciling. A few years with a good shrink can do wonders for knowing who you really are as a person as well as turning your own Hostility into a very positive nature. This worked for myself but it may not work for all. Everyday, I feel condemned and in sorts nailed to the cross.

-My therapy asks me constantly to accept the consequences of my actions. Once we have done that no matter if we agree with the punishment or not, your outlook on life will change-

So therefore Overcoming Hostility is not just the negative actions Society has taken against us, its the Hostility bottled up inside of us that find life barely livable. Its that pissed off nature on both sides that must stop. For myself being screamed at, called sexually depraved names, being thrown out of public places and deemed a deviant was really hard to deal with. With no support such as FAC, I may not be writing this Column. I turned to FAC and got quickly the measure of support, nurturing, advise and council I needed. So for myself when things seem so bleak, I don’t think I can go on.. FAC is there to help me.

To some it up, Hostility against the RSO will be everlasting. Its a media farce made up without evidence that most Registrants will repeat their crimes. Most of what is said about us in Social Media are lies. Its a common occurrence to see Blogs associated with death threats against the RSO for simply being a Registered Citizen. And we all know the recent cases of Violence perpetrated against the RSO. So my conclusion is to turn that inner and outer Hostility into a bright light so we can help ourselves be safe and somehow enjoy a normal life again.

Next Topic: “City Ordinances and What to Expect”

Disclaimer: JEV is currently a Florida based RSO. These are personal viewpoints and are not be used as Legal information in any Court of Law. “True Confessions” is a column designed to give out constructed information as well as criticism in the fight for reformation of Sex Offender Laws.