Shame on You, Miami Herald.

Lake Monroe, FL— September 25, 2013.

Shame on You, Miami Herald. 

When actor Tim Allen was nominated for the Golden Globe or Emmy awards for his successful comedy series or Disney movies, did they announce him as “Convicted Drug Trafficker, Tim Allen”? Then why would the Miami Herald announce that a former FIU baseball star that was honored with throwing out the first pitch this year was charged with a crime sixteen years ago?

Many successful businessmen, athletes and celebrities have criminal pasts. They have been given the opportunity to move forward and achieve the success for which they are recognized. Why is it that ‘sex offenders’ are not given that opportunity?

Today, the Miami Herald posted a story about Dennis Wiseman throwing out the first pitch at the FIU season opener (see: Wiseman was a former star pitcher at the school. He is an avid supporter of FIU athletics. He is COO of a radiology company where he’s been continuously employed for the past 9 years. What should otherwise be the story of a successful local being recognized for his athletic contribution to his alma mater, turned into a shaming piece because in 1997 Wiseman received a withheld adjudication for a sex offense.

While nobody would defend his crime, or any crime for that matter, one has to wonder why sex offenders are forced to be stigmatized years or decades after their offenses, while others are allowed to become productive members of society. Mr. Wiseman had apparently successfully completed probation in 2002 and had no other run-ins with the law. What’s the point in shaming him now? Worse yet; what’s the point in shaming his employer?