FAC Weekly Update 2025-02-06-Rentry and the Pathfinder Initiative

Recording# 296

Dear Members and Advocates

Our focus this week is on Re-Entry, whether that is welcoming people home after being a guest of the Department of Corrections, or after completing an addiction recovery program.  Re-Entry.  Particularly for those on the Registry, it is about breaking free from the weight of societal labels and building a future filled with purpose, self-worth, resilience, and community support.

The process of re-entry and recover also includes reform… not just behavioral reform but also THOUGHT reform.  It starts with the way we think about ourselves, then the way we are thought of in society.  If we want society to change, then we need to first change our own mindset and narrative.

It’s 2025, and the landscape of reentry is finally changing.  More and more, reentry programs are starting to recognize that it is not just about reducing recidivism and ending the revolving door.  They are beginning to take notice of the individual human being, and the need to restore each person’s self-worth and dignity. It can no longer be about simply surviving reentry; it needs to be about learning how to thrive.

Doing this alone is really tough, and not necessary.  You have support from FAC and all of the amazing partnerships that FAC has developed.  Justice Transitions, our FAC partner for Outreach services, will be offering a workshop soon called “The Pathfinder Initiative.”

Pathfinder provides the tools and pathway for effective reentry and life changing practices, based on three core components: 1) Thought Reform, 2) Self-Worth Restoration, and 3) Community Rebuilding.

Pathfinder is about more than just reintegration; it’s about empowerment and transformation. It’s about giving individuals the tools they need to navigate the complex emotional and social dynamics of reentry while reclaiming their identity and dignity.

Pathfinder guides individuals to gain confidence, clarity, and emotional resilience to live their lives on their terms—no longer defined by past mistakes or societal labels. Individuals should be judged by their potential, not their past.

Finally, it is not just about changing individuals—we also need to change communities. Pathfinder creates a movement that also aims to transform communities by fostering a society that supports rehabilitation and healing.

Join us tonight Thursday February 6 at 8pm ET on the FAC Monthly Membership call (phone 319-527-3487) when our guest speaker will be Joe Nicholson, founder of the Pathfinder Initiative. Joe will share his story and the how Pathfinder developed from his 14 years of lived experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to transform your mindset, rebuild your life, and thrive in your community.

We encourage you to become an active participant on this journey to transform lives, and create a more just and compassionate society.


The Florida Action Committee (FAC)



Highlands–  Meet and Greet Saturday February 15th from 1-4:00pm,  RSVP to Morris at fac.highlands2@gmail.com or leave message at 407-270-0432

Apopka – Meet and Greet Saturday March 1st from noon-3:00pm.  RSVP to Anita at membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call/text 904-438-8322.

Legislative Delegation Meetings – Sign up to read a 90-second speech at a delegation meeting in your county or surrounding area.  Contact media@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave message at 352-448-8989.

Monday Night Support Group – Every Monday at 8pm-930pm ET.   Join by phone at 305-224-1968 (Meeting ID 914 1527 3144) or join Zoom Meeting online at https://zoom.us/j/91415273144  (Meeting ID: 914 1527 3144).

LOVE WINS LGBTQIA+ Support Group  – Lifting Our Voices Equality (LOVE) – Welcoming Individuals Needing Solace (WINS) – Second Sunday every month. Next call is Sunday February 9th at 7:00-8:30pmET.   Join by phone at 305-224-1968 (Meeting ID 992 0071 3029) or join Zoom Meeting online at https://zoom.us/j/5984068279?omn=99200713029  (Meeting ID: 992 0071 3029).  Facilitator is JJ at 727-999-4716.

Veterans Support Group – Meets by phone on the Third Wednesday and Fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:30pm ET.  Next calls are Wednesday February 19th and Tuesday February 25th.  Join by phone at 760-548-9898.  Facilitator is Mike at 831-353-4500.

Family Support Group – Meets by ZOOM on the Second Saturday each month.  Specifically for family members that have loved ones forced to register. To join the group, contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.  Facilitator is Anita at 904-438-8322.

SHINE-VOICES Support and Action Group- For women forced to register.  Sisters Healing Injustices, Networking for Empowerment (SHINE) support group and Victory Over Injustices, Courageous Educating Sisters (VOICES) speaking group.  To join or request Speakers, contact Danell at fac.region4b@gmail.com or leave message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.

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