Reminder that fake images are illegal

According to Andrea Torres with the Local 10 News team in South Florida, “A Florida registered sex offender is facing new charges after returning from a cruise with artificial intelligence-generated images.  He faces a maximum penalty of 40 years in federal prison for transporting child sex abuse material and up to 20 years in prison for possession and AI offenses.”


9 thoughts on “Reminder that fake images are illegal

  • January 24, 2025

    This will just bring about renewed scrutiny about banning everyone with the label from being admitted on a cruise-liner. Way to go media! Well done! Good work! Marvelous job! /s

  • January 25, 2025

    @JZ thanks for the link.

    Nothing surprises me anymore: I knew this was coming when they made “child size” silicone dolls unlawful to possess.

    It’s like the ominous ‘they’ need to start inventing new ways to keep feeding the Registry Machine.

    Today happens to be my birthday and also 10 years on the registry. I am blessed to have people that know me, appreciate me and understand that the registry is a blundering headless failure. Often it comes up in scenario-based conversation such as:

    “Wow, you could have killed a man, done your time and not have been watched with such scrutiny as you are with of these registry laws.”

    My only retort after 10 years of the PFR lifestyle is:
    Either (A) make every crime have an obsessive compulsory Registry or (B) Abolish the S.O. Registry altogether.

  • January 26, 2025

    The worst part about this is now that cruise line will ban registrants. Iv always wanted to take a cruise. And haven’t been able to. The crime in it’s self isn’t the worst because there’s no real victim. If it’s fake imagines then there is no crime or victim IMO.

    • January 26, 2025

      Many already do ban PFRs.

      • January 26, 2025

        I know. I was suprised to see he was on there. And look what he did. Total moron man. I have paid endlessly for others crimes. Eveytime some genius does something like this things get a litte more difficult in Fl it seems.

        • January 27, 2025

          And a kicker is the cruise line got called out in the article. Suppose they will be cancelled now?

  • January 26, 2025

    Note from the article the PSA link posted by J. Edgar’s old office…

    Child Sexual Abuse Material Created by Generative AI and Similar Online Tools is Illegal (PSA from a certain three letter alphabet soup bureau, Mar 2024,

    The states are catching up with the Feds. Also, note the middle paragraph about teens creating this same matter of their classmates using this technology. Only when teens are charged and punished the same as adults will teens understand the seriousness of their actions, if they are allowed to claim they understand and know what they are doing of course. If they are not smart enough to know what sexual intercourse is when under 18, then how can they know what AI generated CSAM is? (Sarc and barb towards those adults who defend minors to the hilt.)

    At the same time, note the people given as examples…people in positions of trust…

  • January 28, 2025

    From fake images to pretending situations all to catch a predator to vigilantism now robot induced internet sting operations. Whats the question? So who’s naked or do many sleep with their clothes on. Seems like all of this is counter productive and an opportunity to trap others into all this registry scheme. So whats a guy doing transporting sexual material on a cruise ship?
    Maybe the advocates can figure that one out or should we just adopt a bill and send it to senators, congressmen or others that have some pull. I’m sure much of the American people don’t even understand how these sex sting operations work or could the average American care. Just get em off the street. Legal or non legal. So where’s true justice today.


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