When onerous Florida laws and policies lead to suicide
This past year I had many opportunities to participate in our FAC Meet & Greets throughout the state. At one gathering, I had the opportunity to meet a husband and wife who later reached out to me with the husband sharing his skill sets that we could use in our movement. As a gifted speaker, he also volunteered to speak at one of the 67 legislative delegation meetings being held throughout the state. Our legislative chair Ann would be speaking alongside him.
The husband had worked hard throughout his life, making wise decisions that, over time, led to two successful careers. Then he was caught up in a sting—an entrapment at an adult-only website.
After serving a long prison sentence, he was on probation and dealing continually with harassment from the local authorities. This man took full responsibility for what he did and was working diligently to reintegrate back into society as a productive, law-abiding citizen. But the harassment never stopped, nor the onerous, nonsensical laws that he had to follow or be violated.
He was forced to take therapy classes and discuss events publicly that should have only been discussed privately with a therapist, causing damage for him.
As a child, he was molested for years by two different family members, never receiving therapy when it could have helped him.
For the first time in his life, he found that following all laws, working hard, and doing the right thing no longer mattered. He would never be given a second chance in life. Even with the help of a loving wife and friends, he could not see the light at the end of the tunnel.
His wife and he faced ostracization from other people and constant intimidation by probation and law enforcement.
His wife remained strong for him and was a positive force in his life. She thought he was beginning to handle everything until the day before this past Thanksgiving. They had a good day with friends, making her think he was through the worst part until the next morning when she walked out into the garage and found that he had hanged himself. She was the one who had to cut him down.
Prison did not cause his suicide; what happened to him after his release was the cause. The roadblocks placed in his pathway were insurmountable.
His story is being told with the permission of his widow.
I was once so close to doing the same thing he did. I’ve been on the registry since the day it started. I’m saddened that he took his life. Its heartbreaking to hear. I know his pain intimately. I was thankful I got some help and have gone on to do great things. I found a reaon to live. Its not easy at times. But I’m thankful im here to see another day.
Thanks God that you are enjoying a new day,never give up, God is good,just be patient.
When the only off-ramp is death, there is no path forward.
Sad. I’ve been close to that point.
This story is profoundly sad.
We need more money for lawyers. We need a fund raiser. It’s not healthy for us to carry this burden of debt to society beyond a normal sentence. We feel like targets.
I had thoughts of suicide this past year. It’s the major depression that sets in. This story is a terrible tragedy that shouldn’t have happened. I will pray for his soul and afterlife. I pray he is reincarnated into a freedom.
As far as going to DC vigil. We would need to hire professional protection to feel comfortable. The political climate is very fluid at the moment. Very much in flux. The Constitution has taken a beating. A lot of good people deserve a better life. Now.
If you commit suicide, the assholes win.
Also, if you kill yourself, you are going to have more issues than you did on Earth when you have no explanation of why God should allow you in His heaven. They say the only unforgivable sin is denying God, but the scriptures do allude to others and I believe suicide is an unforgivable sin since you took that power away from the Father because your free will made the choice of where you spend eternity.
Christ died for us, the least we can do is live for Him. And believe me, I have been in that darkest moments myself where I wanted to jump off a cliff. But I did not let the evil one control me and I was victorious over the power of Lucifer and his minions.
I’ve been on the registry for almost 28 years and this could very easily be my story for the most part. I’ve had many dark days, months, years……
The storm clouds do pass and the sun does shine again. One day at a time.
I think i can relate to where he was also.
I’m glad to see some of you have been able to find some solice. For me, good days are fewer and fewer, support is non-existent or unaffordable. The target i walk around with on my back and chain around my neck is not a realistic life to expect someone to live. . I was sexually abused as a child and thought I had put it behind me, but was wrong. I thought I would be OK 10 yrs after a 30 day sentence for a mistake in my state, but was wrong ( I visited FL while on probation and was added to their list) . I’ve lost my wife, family, kids, friends and livelihood being on this list.
My last ditch effort was looking for a state that I can survive off grid alone because life in this society is unsustainable mentally and i was looking for a change. A recent article on here about travel to other states completely changed my plans. The very next crisis will be the last one.
My favorite saying from the Movie “Shawshank Redemption” says, “Get busy living or get busy dying”.
@finished. You have my permission to back away from the edge. Stand up, chest out, chin up.
You obviously have writing skills. Your thoughts are organized.
You are aware of your surroundings.
You are not unique. You’re not alone. You have potential to become better. Last ditch efforts are not needed. Small efforts over time is the answer.
Have you thought about leaving USA for a Caribbean country? Start a new life, you don’t need much money to do that in some countries! Think about it!
I think reading this most of use can relate in some way. I have had support from family but that is not enough to feel free. The other day 2 cops came to my office and I went into panic attack! I have had thoughts of suicide while driving but the image of my son kept me strong! This needs to stop, it makes no sense after your prison sentence you have to be on a list for life! We need to show the courts the outcome of this registry is damaging for the community as q whole. We need to get numbers on how many crimes has been stopped because the registry and how many crimes has been solved because the registry ! If we can show less than 5% then there is no reason to keep this registry active when is causing only damage to the community!