U.S. exploits children while law-abiding persons forced to register are continually punished
A government program supported by tax dollars has been sending kids to sponsors that are vetted through little more than an honor system.
A whistle blower, Deborah White, is alleging that our federal government has been using taxpayer money to facilitate human traffickers. White has said that the program is nothing less than taxpayer-funded child slavery. She claims to have uncovered “many suspicious indicators of child trafficking such as not just one or two children being sent to supposed sponsors in the same location but hundreds.
Former federal special agent Tim Ballard stated: “…they are exploited for labor and sex.”
When White tried to find out the status of a child, she was reprimanded—it was not her responsibility. She was told not to call other shelters inquiring about any child.
White says this program is funded by billions of congressionally appropriated dollars.
An 80-year-old Floridian forced to register was arrested this past year for forgetting to register. After 35 years of always registering on time, he began developing dementia and forgot to register.
At the same time, the U.S. has allowed more than 32,000 children to escape into oblivion where many have been trafficked, including for sex, and our government does not care.
There are hundreds of thousands of people with a past sex offense who have been leading lives as law-abiding citizens for years; yet they remain on a punitive registry. At the same time, government officials, who are allowing children to be sent to adults for sex trafficking, are suffering no consequences and still receiving their government paychecks for the harm they are causing these children.
Will any heads roll over this? Probably not.
Thanks to Full Measure for uncovering this story.
Timestamp: 1:45
You know what? This is sad.
Follow the money and you’ll find out the truth. Find the right people to infiltrate the underworld and destroy it.
I want all children and adult trafficking to stop.
Repeal the sex registry and reappropriate the money to stop trafficking.
Stop wasting taxpayer dollars.
Law enforcement is now dependent on the revenue stream. They feel entitled to the money. Build up departments on this stream. Construct budgets on this stream. Construct fear tactics to keep the illusion of “in the name of public safety”. And publish them on social platforms.
John Adams defending the Amistad slave case in front of the Supreme Court once said “I have a modest suggestion “ in reference to the copy of the Constitution in his hands.
Tear it up.
All Amerikans should be demanding that law enforcement be “de-funded”. “Defund the police” should be promoted always. Because they burn resources which are actually limited, in reality. We should take resources from them UNTIL they are forced to focus on actually preventing or solving crimes. They should never have enough resources just to harass citizens.
Personally, I like to point out the failures of law enforcement as often as I have time and emphasize that while they failed to prevent crime X, they still had the time and resources to jerk off with their SEX Registries.
I got into huge battles with a few sheriff’s departments on their Facebook pages. There was one that was posting the picture of any PFR any time that the PFR updated or verified ANY piece of information. Over and over and over again. Then the local a**holes all commented about how the person should be in jail or dead, etc., etc.
The problem for those dumba** law enforcement criminals (LECs) is that they were posting the pictures right on their main feed, intermixed with everything else like community events, crimes committed, missing children (!!!), and such. So on every PFR that was posted, I started pointing out that the children they were looking for were still missing and the LECs were obviously incompetent. I suggested to them that they stop jerking off with their PFR pictures and instead try to look for the children. I would post links to their missing children posts. I think you can imagine how well that went over with the rubes.
Anyway, as long as Registries exist, I think government and their LECs should be criticized and attacked incessantly and mercilessly. The Registries are war. They are active, ongoing crimes. The criminals deserve consequences. Don’t let them have their SEX Registry toy and live in peace.
Wow. I had no idea.
The more I read. The more I know how close to the center I really am.
People just don’t have the patience for statistics. Or the ability to make time.
It’s going to take a march down Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC it seems. I’ll just need a bullet proof vest, a bucket of chicken, and a gallon of water.
P.. Now I liked what you said. Yea its a type of human Rights invasion 101 using a child as a coy to shield their intent.
I never thought I would want to be in a peaceful protest in Washington D.C.
Just don’t want to waste time at the Florida Capitol.
Has there ever been a push for public registry of police officers gone bad? What are statistics on this? I wonder what happens when they move from location to location and get second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances?
Am I making sense?
How many? Would it rival the numbers of the PFR registry?
There is a registry/database for LE who are fired, dismissed, etc for actions leading to this situation and can be found online to be read about further. The purpose of this registry is to inform other LE jurisdictions about former LE who are seeking additional work in that area who may not be suitable for it. It has been written about in major news media profiles and is an interesting read when you find it. Start by searching with the USA Today article from 2019 and you will see it start there and growing into a more national movement to make it more known/used.
At the same time, you can read about how these efforts are being thwarted too to cover up such actions to keep them certified for LE work.
Hmmmm. They say they are doing everything to protect the children. I am going out on limb here. I have read several stories over the last 2 months where parents have abused their children for years(Not sexually). I’m talking about starving them, locking them in a closet, burning them, where is their registry? Wouldn’t years of abuse in that fashion cause more harm? I’m not saying sex abuse doesn’t cause harm. Just provoking some thought.
Absolutely, Thatoneguy. This is not meant to take away from serious sex crimes that cause great damage to the victim, but there are domestic abuse cases that cause far more harm to victims than some so-called sex crimes. Look at the domestic abuse case you alluded to versus someone who is caught up in a sex sting at an adult-only website where there is no victim.
This article should say a lot about undercover sting operations also about the many advocates that are working many area’s to stop much of this registry abuse. Police taking advantage of the weak. Guess many are weak in this registry ruse. It even discusses methods and other ordeals to get one off guard in these fictitious encounters of these registries plus the government funding. which is an incentive for police to snag a would be victim.