Donate to Florida Action Committee


Your contributions help us continue the fight to bring change to the oppressive sexual offense laws.  Every bit helps and is much appreciated.  Below are our current active fundraising challenges.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$25,000Raised $5,131 towards the $25,000 target.$5,131Raised $5,131 towards the $25,000 target.21%

Ex Post Facto – Sustainer 2024

Mission: Have the registry legally deemed as punitive, rather than administrative. The most immediate consequence of this would be that only laws and requirements active at the time of offense could be applied to a person required to register. With your continued support, we can sustain the strength of our argument with expert testimony and the like, as well as cover other costs associated with cases of this magnitude.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$25,000Raised $0 towards the $25,000 target.$0Raised $0 towards the $25,000 target.0%

Municipal Ordinances Fund

Mission: Identify and challenge conditions in city and county ordinances throughout Florida that violate constitutional rights and prevent successful re-entry to the community, including residency & proximity restrictions.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$25,000Raised $11,028 towards the $25,000 target.$11,028Raised $11,028 towards the $25,000 target.44%

General Fund 2024

Thank you for your contributions to the General Operating and Membership Fund. FAC does not receive grants or funding as a 501c4 organization. Each dollar received is needed to cover the costs of communications, membership meetings, mailings, conference attendance, professional organization fees, supplies, printing, and postage. Our goal is to reach every registered citizen in FL, and have a seat at every possible table to let our voices be heard. This is a non-profit organization; the more we can raise, the more work we can do, and the more places we can be. No one in the organization is paid for their time and service.