Another Registrant Killed in Florida

Another registrant has been murdered in Florida, just hours after registering.

Norman Bill Williams, 59, was killed by Bobby J. Bullock, Jr., 46, this past Saturday, just hours after registering as a Sexual Predator in Franklin County.

The Apalachicola & Carrabelle Times reports that the registrant, “…attracted widespread media attention in Sept. 2011, when he fled the woods outside Eastpoint after being released there from a stint in state prison. Because he was a sexual predator who had been shunned by his family, Williams had no place else he could legally stay, so probation officials placed a tracker on Williams’ leg and told him to remain in the woods. He shed the device, and fled.” (source)

The Florida Action Committee does not condone the crime that led to Williams’ registration requirement or his fleeing (which led to an additional two years imprisonment for failure to register). However, FAC condemns the action of the probation department in sending him to go live in the woods and naturally we condemn his murder.

One must wonder whether Williams would have had a possibility of returning to a functional life if he had a stable place to live and any chance of finding employment. Also, whether he would still be alive today.

The Florida Action Committee also condemns the comments posted beneath the article applauding this individual’s murder. Ashley Sikes of Panama City writes, “Bullock should have a national holiday named after him. Bullock Day!!”  Sabrina Brooks of Fort Pierce  writes, “Bobby Bullock Jr. you are my hero!” What kind of a society do we live in that applauds the murder of anyone?


2 thoughts on “Another Registrant Killed in Florida

  • October 3, 2015

    Sexual Predator Norman Bill Williams Released By DOC In Eastpoint Fl Woods Fled to Panama City Fl Area, Bill Williams Was Murdered Today May 12th 2014. A 46-year-old Eastpoint man has been charged in the beating death Saturday night of a notorious sexual predator who once attracted nationwide attention when he fled the county after release from state prison to fend for himself in the woods. Bobby J. Bullock, Jr., 46, Eastpoint, was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after he turned himself in to the sheriff’s office following the altercation with Norman Bill Williams, 59, which took place sometime before 9 p.m. on 23 Washington Street, on property nearby Millender’s Trailer Park. Creamer said several people, many of whom were intoxicated, witnessed the violent incident but are reluctant to come forward to police. The news release said an investigation determined Williams had been arguing with David Holstein over “Williams having “inappropriately touched a woman at his home”. “During that argument, Bobby Bullock struck Williams from behind with an ax handle just below his left ear, rendering him unconscious,”

    Often when SO groups express outrage over either the injury and or the demise of sex offenders, it is prudent to follow up the disposition of the story. SO groups also have a pesky habit of posting “vigilante stories of violence against offenders”. Often your stories wont print that violence was committed by a victim, extended family of a victim or another offender.

    • October 9, 2015

      Dear Valerie,

      It is a tragedy when anyone is murdered, regardless of any of this. The outrage you speak of is probably more about that fact that this person may be alive if not for the cruel and unusual [and unconstitutional] punishment placed upon him. If he hadn’t been forced into homelessness and instability, if he hadn’t been wearing the virtual Gold “Jude” Star of David, maybe just maybe he would have been able to make amends, gain forgiveness, and live a positive life. Though, this person who took his life, who committed the ultimate crime of murder, he is surely held high on a pedestal for those whose cup of hate spilleth over.

      Valerie, I don’t know what has charred your heart or made you believe that endless punishment, hate and relentless non-forgiveness, and profiteering on others’ suffering is the way, but I hope that your heart will again see red blood flowing through it with all the love and compassion you’re capable of, that you find forgiveness, contentment, and peace. And I hope all of this comes without having to experience the devastation your impositions have placed upon so many families. May God spare you that need and have mercy upon your soul.

      First they came for the Registered Sex Offenders, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a [Registered] Sex Offender.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


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