So many resources wasted in Florida
We want all children protected on Halloween as well as the other 364 days of the year, yet we waste so much money and resources that do very little to achieve this goal.
I refuse to post the articles talking about the meaningless, so-called precautions that counties are taking which will do nothing to make children safer on Halloween, but this account of what FDLE and other law enforcement officials are doing should provoke the ire of any intelligent person whose decisions are grounded in research.
According to The Apopka Chief, “Inspectors and agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement visited HUNDREDS of” people with a past sex offense “this fall to confirm they were following Florida’s registration laws. So far, FDLE, along with local sheriff’s deputies, arrested NINE” people “who were out of compliance.”
NINE out of HUNDREDS with many only for failure to register a change in vehicles owned. THERE WERE NO SEX CRIMES UNCOVERED.
“’Thank you to Governor Ron DeSantis for his commitment to keeping Florida families safe,’” said FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass.
The sweeps were conducted in the sparsely populated counties of Franklin, Hardee, and Lafayette. How is this helping the children throughout Florida keep safe on Halloween?
Law enforcement is so busy looking for paperwork violations that they have no time to look for real sex crimes today that are being committed against children.
A seasoned FDLE agent testified under oath last year in our Ex Post Facto II trial that law enforcement officials always give people on the registry a chance to correct their mistakes. HE STATED THIS UNDER OATH TO A JUDGE TO SAVE THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE FLORIDA REGISTRY.
There is one thing to be thankful for this Halloween. Thanks to Ray Tasseff with Florida Justice Institute and Janice Bellucci with ACSOL, there will be no Halloween signs put up in Northeast Florida or in certain parts of the country this year.
I would love to have the transcript of that part of the suit when the FDLE officer said that. It would be great for those who do find themselves in trouble to be able to show that to the judge. I know transcripts are expensive. I just wonder if someone has it and would share that part.
He lied under oath. I can tell you from expierence when they are at my door trying to catch me in a lie with the endless questions. They ask for stuff they already have to get you to say something different..I answer questions that pertain to the registry information they already have. I don’t go off script. Ever!
Every 6 months, my local Sheriff’s Office sends 2 deputies to see me for an address check. When they ask, “How are you?” I say, Fine. Have a nice day.” When they say, “We need to verify your address.” I say, “You just did. Have a nice day.” That is all the information I give them, and then I close the door. No other information is needed and we PFRs are not obligated to help them with their criminal investigations of us.
I had gotten a haircut and when the deputy came to my door he said I needed to go to the sheriff’s office and get a new photo because it was a drastic change. I said ok but never went because I do not believe that is a rule or law.
At registration they ask if I have any new scars, marks or tattoos and I say no. They take my photo 4 times a year, why do I have to go back if my appearance changes because I got a haircut?
I had less issues when I was on probation than I do now off all sanctions. A Posse of cops coming to your door to embarrass you in front of your neighbors is degrading for someone who has done their time decades ago.
I have treated the address visits this way as well. Except the local police have taken it to another level. Monthly visits with a form I need to sign. I tell them the forms I sign are at the sheriffs office twice a year where I get a copy. No copy of what I’m signing, no signature. This is common sense 101 for any transaction in life.
I can only assume the city is trying to banish me.
Now this may have backfired on me. My employer just let me go. After I got a raise in August. I assume my employer was contacted by FDLE or local authorities for some strange verification of employment. I can only imagine the confusion and conversation of my employer being bothered with such a call.
The retribution factor could be real in Florida. I assume I just got blacklisted and the ability to make a living taken away. Now what do I do?
If you are not on probation, you are not required to answer their questions, only to show them your driver’s license.
Are you sure that is true? That is hard to believe.
So I’m clear – are you saying that if law enforcement shows up at the door of a PFR (in Florida), the PFR is required to answer the door and show them their “driver’s license”?
If that is what you are saying, does it matter what agency the law enforcement is (e.g. city police, state, sheriff, etc.)? And if it does, which ones are applicable?
Lastly, if what you said is correct then I think that you are also saying that a PFR cannot have a Ring doorbell (or something similar) and when law enforcement visits, do not answer the door but instead tell them, “I’m sorry, but you are not welcome here. Please get off of my property.” Are you saying that?
No, I did not say that.
You don’t want to clarify what you meant?
“Sick of it all.” was talking about when law enforcement was at his door and asking questions. You responded, “If you are not on probation, you are not required to answer their questions, only to show them your driver’s license.” If you were not talking about that situation, what were you talking about?
Thank you, Education, for recovering the following from our archives.
Okay, we went from “required” to “should”. And I’d contend from the discussion at the link that “should” only means if you do anything, that is all that you should do and nothing more.
I’d say instead that no PFR should ever allow “verifications” or “compliance checks”. If there is any law which says they must be done, that is the problem of whomever must do them. It is not a problem for PFRs.
PFRs really need to stop being so helpful with government harassment. Would the Registry war look different if PFRs stopped being so helpful? I have to think that is obvious. No one should be signaling that the Registry harassment scheme is acceptable.
PFRs also need stop allowing these giant, out-of-control governments to be such cowards. If they intend to try to force PFRs to allow government employees to visit them ANYWHERE and show them ID, then make the cowards write it into law. Make them say that a PFR is required to do x, y, and z. Spell it out. Personally, I think they don’t do that because they know it would never be ruled as legal and they want to keep the ability to intimidate, threaten, and coerce PFRs to do whatever they can get away with. That is what bully cowards do.
If the cowards can write a law that says PFRs must allow government visits, then and only then should PFRs do it. They expect PFRs should follow laws. They should also.
It’s true. I live in Florida, okaloosa county to be exact. They ask to see your driver’s license. It’s ridiculous.
That’s not the same thing, of course. “Education” said it is required to show your driver’s license.
I pray my deputy does not retire or get re-assigned. He is so kind and professional. He also always asks if I am ok, how I am doing and then just reminds me to make sure to register and update any changes.
When I lived in another county, I made a huge mistake and sent a letter into the department praising that officer for being so kind and professional. I guess his fellow officers made fun of him because the next time and going forward, “TWO” different officers came to my door once a week and they were not as nice.
* Just to clarify, this was also while I was on probation. During that time City cops, county deputies and even FDLE agents and probation officer came to my door sometimes more than once a week. I also lived in a house that had a homeowner’s association. As soon as I was off probation, I moved to another county.
I am happy to be off all sanctions but “in my opinion”, the registry IS a form of sanctioning.
I live in Alachua County. There are a total of six of us living in my home. Last night, as expected, two probation officers stopped by. We are on good terms with them and there was no adverse interaction. They did their regular walk-through and then chatted for a few minutes before going on to the next stop.
However, I am posting this because during the course of the conversation, it was stated that “almost the entire office” is out doing checks. Really? That is a LOT of manpower, which I predict, will not “catch” anyone doing anything. This is your government tax dollars at work.
Its not just Florida but all across America. Wasted efforts yet if it saves one life of a teen or someone being abused than its worth it. The ironic issue about all of this is its a burden on all that are bowing down to all this registry when the authorities induced much of not all these unethical sex registry measures on others. Its a two wrongs don’t make a right in this issue and government is overplaying their hand. So where does the sword of Justice come in to play. Food for thought..
Government is compromising their authority and playing on each and everyone of us. Whether one went to jail, prison or not. Yes I am still giving my quarterly fingerprints by mail. I live right across the street from kids. The confusion is the injustice of all these sufferings many have to put up with. Seems authorities are playing cowboy and Indians and the authorities are chief of their own makings which is very negative and unjust.