Sexual assaults rising in some areas of the country

Politicians tell us that they are making society safer with the registry and all the laws that go with it.  But in two cities in Tennessee, Clarksville and Nashville, that is proving not be the case.

This year Clarksville, Tennessee, has seen a 37% increase in sexual assaults compared to last year, which seems to be the trend across the state.  A law enforcement official with the Clarksville Police Department did not want to be interviewed about this rise in sexual assaults but preferred to comment on the downtick of other crimes.  This official chose to “sweep under the rug” the fact that the registry is not making society safer.

A newly formed response team believes much of the problem lies with the lack of prevention, awareness, and resources.  Hopefully communities will listen to this team rather than the politicians who like to assure people that the answer to preventing future sex crimes is to adhere to a registry.


6 thoughts on “Sexual assaults rising in some areas of the country

  • September 4, 2024

    Notice how they saw a need to report the number of registrants there, but not how many of the increased sex crimes were committed by them. Guessing that answer is somewhere around 0.

    • September 7, 2024

      Isn’t it amazing every study done shows 90-95% of offenses are committed by people not on the registry and known to the victim yet this country is spending hundres of millions of dollars not solving the problem. The sheer stupidity of the American taxpayer is amazing.

      • September 7, 2024

        Alan, you are right on! Too many people do not want to hear the truth.

  • September 4, 2024

    My fear is that the uptick in sexual assault cases will cause politicians to impose hatsher registry restrictions. My imagination sees sex offender/registry colonies or automatic life sentences or death penalty for sex crimes. We’ve already seen castration laws go on the books in Louisiana and a lowering of the threshold for the death penalty in this state. Not to mention the banishment residency restrictions. Hope for a registry free future flickers sometimes.

    • September 5, 2024

      Please do not fear, they are already doing it so it is sort of normal now. I expect nothing less than more and more punishment, I mean statues, to come about every new session. (Punishment)
      Maybe one day when I am 90, some judge with common sense will rule all of the registries mental torture, or at least punishment beyond our sentences.
      Pretty sad that some of us that are older and have medical issues might die on the registry. (With my issues, I will be lucky enough to live another 3-5 years or until God takes me home.

  • September 11, 2024

    The debate about preventing. The answer is the sex registry and it is only a deterrent by unjust means. Guess that’s the justification with this man made law which is unethical in and of itself. Set em up take advantage of them. If a sex crime of rape or whatever is going to happen its going to happen. Nobody likes the registry and law enforcement won’t talk about it as its a diversion tactic and morally unethical to standards of law. Even many of the politicians that introduced these laws are blind in many ways.

    Sure if one doesn’t get on the internet to check out the latest porn section or talk to teens/adults than it shouldn’t be a problem if that’s what they want. The sex registry causes many problems in and of itself.

    . Porn is addictive and authorities are taking advantage of the opportunity in this con game that dupes many with this teenage crap. There were rapes and things going on even before this registry existed. Has it reduced anything or compounded it by this registry ordeal. Has the registry increased more domestic crime or sexual encounters?


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