If you’re a registered sexual offender, the answer is “No!”
By Sandy Rozek, NARSOL board member and communications director
First published at narsol.org
We have all been watching the story unfold at the 2024 Olympics of first one person forced to register (PFR) being singled out and now a second PFR. This discussion is now on the world stage.
Both men served their punishment with no evidence that either one has ever committed another sex offense.
If this were happening in Florida, we would not be surprised, but it encompasses many nations that espouse rehabilitation, second chances, and human rights.
Sandy delves deeply into this story for us. Thank you, Sandy.
While I can’t say much about Sandy as she does the best she can only one thing bothers me in this forced to register issue is who raped who, Rape can take on different meanings but it is usually related to sexual intercourse.
From what is gathered from news their is 3 counts of rape meaning their is a hidden underlining to all this. The person did do a year in jail for the punishment. Now the Olympic committee wants to be bias.
What if he had murdered someone… Their is also different types of murders as well I believe in justice and I’m sure he is qualified for this volleyball team.
The only way for other people understands what a sex offense is and stop all this non sense is very simple. legislation need to change the wording on the statues about sex offenses. For example the word Predator needs to go away, the work sex offender, needs to go away. when someone commit robbery they are not called thieve offender. I think is all on the wording, the wording is the main cause of all the rest. If people who committed a crime against a minor would be called just ex-offender or ex-convict. then all ex offender or ex convicts will be the same under the same rules. we need to call for statues word changing that are nor productive to our society.
There is a ‘drug offender’ registry in Tennessee. There are also 9 states that have current legislation to start an animal abuse registry which would be called by people ‘pet offenders’. There is also an arson registry and an Illinois ‘Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry’.
Also, it seems what kind of sexual offense you committed as to your label. For example, someone we all know was convicted of sexual abuse, BUT does not have to register and is not called a sex offender. How can you be convicted of any sexual crime especially sexual abuse but not be called a sex offender??
It’s politics, position, and money.
Whether innocent or not, politically motivated or not, the conviction still stands from a court of law until proven otherwise just like everyone else.
That person in question was found liable sexual abuse in a civil case as part of a defamation suit. The sexual abuse case wasn’t a criminal case. He escapes being put on the registry for that reason.
Agreed, but sexual abuse is still a ‘sexual offense’ and therefore he should have been labeled a ‘sex offender’ and put on the registry because he committed a sexual offense regardless that is was civil.
Any sexual crime is still a sexual offense whether civil or criminal.
DVC, wrong. Anyone can be sued in civil court for an unlawful touching in many states. Did you ever pat someone on the back? Touch a button while walking by even accidentally? Guess what. You can be sued for that in civil court. It doesn’t make you a sex offender if you are not prosecuted in criminal court.
@Here to educate.
This was no ‘pat on the back’!
Here are the Merriam Webster dictionary definitions of sexual abuse:
: the infliction of sexual contact upon a person by forcible compulsion
: the engaging in sexual contact with a person who is below a specified age or who is incapable of giving consent because of age or mental or physical incapacity
: the crime of engaging in or inflicting sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse is forceful and does involve forcefully touching private areas. The idea here is that ‘force’ was used against the victim’s will, NOT a passerby accidental contact.
The definition of sexual abuse is clear regardless of civil or criminal.
Sexual abuse IS a sexual offense and therefore the person IS a sexual offender regardless in a civil or criminal court because he/she has committed a sexual offense against the law.
If you are stopped for speeding it is a called a ‘traffic offense’ even though it is a civil infraction.
I don’t see anywhere that an offense against the law is no longer called an offense because it is in a civil court do you??
I’m not sure about that. Again, civil isn’t criminal court.
The same thing happened with the recently deceased O.J. Simpson: he was acquitted in the criminal murder trial but lost the civil case, which in turn was based on that same murder accusation. Mysteries of our justice system.
I like many of these comments and it does say one thing about the many on here in this man made effort of logic. See its man’s logic that introduced the sex registry. Man’s logic to keep those on the sex registry even after prison. Man or government logic to set up people via the internet. Even governments logic to Label one an offender whether sex or otherwise.
One wonders are we still a Christian Nation. Do we still have liberty and justice in America or is the balance being upset with Unconstitutional measures or standards, absolute immunity sounds a bit much and, even laws that haven been written yet? Well that seems like a new concept today. One wonders whats unconstitutional today. Well the sex offender has to be at the top of the criminal enterprise in this denominational way. People can understand public domain but denominational. No one likes to be dominated by another do they?
So what —if your a registered sex/sexual offender. Wouldn’t it not depend on who you offended? How you offended? Who enticed you to offend? .All this needs to be laid out in court or who is saying NO. Do we still have true justice in this Nation.